Subject: Tweet by Sun_Q_Tzu on Twitter
Sun_Q_Tzu (@Sun_Q_Tzu)
2/15/20, 8:08 AM
Q proof. Correlate @realDonaldTrump tweet this morning with what Q posted one year ago today on 2/15/20. @POTUS quotes Emerson and implies that the DS struck at him but failed to kill him. Q told us of attempted assasination if @POTUS last year. Wow #qanon pic.twitter.com/2FzEyMWaxe
Chinese Telecommunications Conglomerate Huawei and Subsidiaries Charged in Racketeering Conspiracy and Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets Jussie Smollett indicted with 6 charges for his Hoax of hate crimes.
2) Justice Department launches legal assault to roll back sanctuary cities
AG Barr announced that Giuliani had turned over to them investigative information about Ukraine corruption with former Administration.
3)Trump goes on a twitter spree highlighting that nothing ever happened to the crimes Tony Podesta did.
Trump torches corrupt Judge Berman Jackson about injustices about Manafort but game HRC a pass.
Michael Avenatti found guilty of all charges today.
4)Roger Stone Sentencing evaluated by AG Barr as being outrageous (9 years? For lying to congress? Rape Is only 3~5 years) and the 4 corrupt Mueller investigators all resigned.
5)Im here to announce the indictment of Chinese military hackers for breaking into the computer systems of the credit-reporting agency Equifax, and for stealing the ensitive personal information of nearly half of all American citizens.AG Barr
6) Trump WH fires Alexander Vindman
Trump WH fires Gordon Sondland
Trump NSC (national security council) removes 70 former Obama hold overs, with maybe even more coming.
7) Graham sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr on Friday asking that he make 17 officials, many of whom are identified only by title, available for interviews.
8) Durham Scrutinizing John Brennans Handling of Russian Interference in 2016
9) A.G. Barr Installs Outside Prosecutor to Review Case Against @GenFlynn
Amid turmoil in Roger Stone case & Refussal to Charge Andrew McCabe at the @USAO_DC, the A.G. has sent outside prosecutors to review politically sensitive cases.
10) This is only Friday afternoon too. As I said earlier for those crying about McCabe getting off for lying, you really dont understand the big picture.
If you start really paying attention then you wont be the kid on the Left but be the Kid on the Right. Enjoy your weekend