—The problem with that premise (other than the nukes) is that the modern ship would run out of ammo rather quickly.——
Yeah, eventually you’d have to find a way to finagle a modern fighter to carry 1940’s machine guns or bombs if you wanted them in the fight for any length of time.
But like I said, you’d also run into the problem of maintenance and spare parts (which you wouldn’t have) when things eventually stopped working at 100% efficiency.
You’d have to go hard and end it quickly, which they would be capable of doing.
—One flub of the movie. The Senator who was on the armed appropriations committee never asked why there was a black officer on the bridge.-—
I’m sure he was thinking how it didn’t make sense, but there were a lot of unfamiliar things vying for his attention. A black guy on the bridge wouldn’t have been in the top ten of things that were messing with his mind at that time.
An F-14 or a Navy helicopter would be higher on the list.
“Youd have to go hard and end it quickly, which they would be capable of doing.”
I think that 20mm Vulcan cannons use the same ammo.