Director, Johns Hopkins SPH Center for Health Security
In other words, not a quack...
We dont know what overall CFR will be w/ nCoV-that requires more data, time. SARS-like illness has been seen in some, but we dont know what % of nCoV pts will get severe disease. We all hope it’ll be far less than SARS, but we dont know enough to predict %. (4/x)
We also dont have enough data on H2H transmission yet to make confident predictions about how it will spread. We dont know enough about extent of asymptomatic cases, asymptomatic spread, proportion of spread happening in health care facilities vs community. (5/x)
But given uncertainties + very high stakes, part of global & national planning efforts should now be aimed at possibility that nCoV containment could fail. (6/x)
He’s quoting from an epidemiologist at Imperial College, London.
In other words, the top people have been communicating informally.
Try actually reading it.
I dont believe I have said anything different than you have printed here but glad u can read my mind