BTW, no one needs the elitest GOP-e attitude in here. (we are superior, we don’t need help).
Is that what you think I was saying?
No - I have plenty to learn every waking minute - I am thirsty for knowledge - constantly scouring the internet - I am on FR all the time, just ask my wife.
I am just not able to get much out of Q threads that isnt repetitive slogans and platitudes, or things Ive already learned elsewhere long ago.
Sorry, thats just a fact, and it seems pointless to pretend Q is going to stir some awakening in me or reveal hidden truths. That just hasnt been my experience with Q thread or with my Q friends and associates.
Q is not for everyone. That is fine.
I am trying to figure out why you are posting here, considering that there isn’t anything posted that you don’t already know.
It seems to me that you are wasting your time here, and should probably go elsewhere for entertainment.
Pull the other one, troll-boi.
It’s got bells on it.
OK then.
A huge body of information has been given us one drop at a time over the last two years. Now you arrive and want it all predigested, condensed, explained and justified for you.
Are you a troll or just lazy? Either way you have taken up way too much real estate on this thread.
(See tagline)
Well ok, then. Seems like all your questions are answered, your mission fulfilled.