I dont understand...what does the + mean?
Are you saying that Trump IS Q?, or that he is the head Q? Or that he is one of many who are Q?
See, thats the other frustrating thing about Q people, they seem to think its cool to be cryptic. A statement like that could mean anything - its vague and ambiguous.
I wish I could just get a straight answer, in English, with no malarkey.
We don’t try to dox Q. That will happen at the right time. When you see Q+, it refers to POTUS. We do know that Q is a team of less than 10 people. There does seem to be a single spokesman, but it might be more than one.
The “Q” operation is believed to be a group of 10 people under direction of POTUS who goes under the moniker “Q+” - you’ll see some of the posts are signed “Q+” and are believed to be those directly from POTUS and are usually inspirational i.e. #3377 = “We are with you” and #3378 = “for humanity”. One of the “proofs” was when AF1 flew under the moniker “Q0” and you’ll see the “+” sign is synonymous with “0” on your phone.
its vague and ambiguous.
No, it means you need to do your homework FRiend.
It’s not cryptic; there’s a backlog of information which is by now taken for granted by old hands. Have you tried reading the links in the first 8 or 10 posts at the top of the threads?
Yes, it’s long, but you can’t “explain biochemistry to me” in a single page, either. There’s just too much going on...
“...with no malarkey.”
I dont understand...what does the + mean?
Are you saying that Trump IS Q?, or that he is the head Q? Or that he is one of many who are Q?
See, thats the other frustrating thing about Q people, they seem to think its cool to be cryptic. A statement like that could mean anything - its vague and ambiguous.
A couple of thoughts, since I’ve been reading the Q threads since they started.
Q has basically said they are a team, one of which is POTUS. Very occasionally Q posts as “Q+” and from checking timestamps and other details, people think it likely or pretty much for sure that Q+ is Trump himself posting.
And I disagree that people who post on the Q threads think it’s cool to be cryptic, of course there are always a few aholes anywhere. But far fewer on these threads. Because there have been more than 2 years of Q info and discussion, it is not easy to catch up with everything even by asking questions. Ransomnote has tons of info on the top of each new thread on page 1, all kinds, very well organized. If you really do want to understand more, I would encourage you to read all that stuff she has put up and many of your questions will be answere.
All the answers you seek can be found in the first post of this thread. Reading is FUNdamental.
(some of us feel that it took us a long time to learn the Theory of Q, and thus we feel that newbies must earn a bit of sweat equity. Sorry, that's just the teacher in me)