FYI—Ukraine Embassy Trafficking Hub per Serial Brain 2:
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Post # 203 - The Explosive Information Coded in the Ukraine Call Transcripts.
ExclusiveKobach: Democrats Now Say Out Loud Intent to Turn America Blue by Immigration
....In states like Virginia where Democrats now control all of state government the foreign-born population has grown more than 250 percent since 1990. In 1990, Virginia was home to less than 312,000 foreign-born residents. Today, there are close to 1.1 million, almost four times what the population was three decades before.
Like Virginia, similar regions that were once solidly Republican have been handed over to Democrats due the annual importation of more than a million legal immigrants. Orange County, California, for instance, is now dominated by Democrats, following what the New York Times has described as a 40-year flood of immigration to the area.