I believe that Confederate guerrilla leader William Quantrill said almost the same thing during the Civil War about the liberal indoctrination in public schools.
The fact that socialists are openly running for public office in America.
California is a prime example of it educated idiots.
It is too late to take back the schools. They are a dead corps.
We need to abolish public schools, banish about 7/8’s of the professors of education and start completely over.
There aren’t enough required helicopters on the planet to take back the schools.
However, what this means is that while you can try to pack the School Board or PTA with Deplorables etc., the fact remains that the school remains in control of your kids and what they learn while in school (and in some cases, out of school depending upon the State). Therefore, while you may have some temporal wins, e.g., removing pro-Antifa propaganda from Social Studies, re-instituting learning the Constitution, the rot of governmental involvement funded by taxes remains. This is akin to addressing a terminal disease by eating healthy.
I'm not arguing against being involved in your local district. But what I AM saying is that as long as Johnny and Mary are going to public school, they won't get what YOU want. Homeschooling is the only option that gets you where you want to go.
You’ll have to kick out the invaders and stop immigration too.
Step one is to back charter and private schools. Change rules dealing with who can and can’t ‘teach’... Pull up standards at Colleges and Universities so ‘education’ isn’t the bottom of the barrel where kids go who have flunked out of every other major.
Change laws so teachers and take back control of the classroom so better quality people will go into the profession. Or just to safeguard the many good teachers who face threats in their classrooms every day.
HS ping.
This is where it really starts. As Lenin once said...”Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” The leftists know this and that’s why they have spent the last 60 years subverting our entire educational system.
Like a stage 4 cancer, only heroic surgery has a chance of restoring true education to the U.S.
Burn it all down... Let neighborhoods rebuild their neighborhood schools under the direct control of the neighborhood citizens...
The deliberate (and brilliant) tactic by the black-robed marxists successfully destroyed the public school system (with forced busing) and replaced it with centralized government indoctrination centers... A plan the marxists proposed in the late 1800's...
It also destroyed the former American concept of neighborhoods AND families...
Socialist/Fascist government schools are the Ring of Mordor, unredeemably evil, unwieldy by design/nature, destroying the nation and humanity they seek to control.