Dearest Blu (sincerely), my use of the word “estrogen” is neither an insult or “low status”. You read into my words what you perceive -as a modern American female-.
Hebrews 3:28. Google the “debate” over the word, “kephale” and get back to me (sincerely).
It is a simple fact that the effects on the human brain, vis-à-vis estrogen versus the effects of testosterone is quite profound. It is exhibited often here on the threads by the “mommy” crowd who continually try to steer posters to a more “nurturing” position equivalent to the eGOP and the Bushies...from beyond the trees. Look the theology behind Ruth...when men are cowards, God rises up a woman to do His work and INSULT the men of action.
Some, HarleyLady27 for one, understand that “strong men stand ready to visit chaos” on those who threaten our liberty. It really is that simple.
Gender specific threads? Non! FR doesn’t censor anyone, even me, for pointing out the
“chickification of the culture”
(-h/t, Rush Limbaugh).
I’ll not embed the graphic but, the following link is quite appropriate.
Me? I’m the Jon Goodman character on the right.
How bizarre. And how full of schiiff.