Why do between about 1 in 5 and 1 in 10 people insist on parking backwards, despite the fact that it’s obviously MUCH more difficult. I always get stuck waiting for these people why they try over and over to straighten their cars out. WHY?
How is it hard to “park backwards”? I assume you have to back up when leaving? Is that hard for you?
Probably. I should post a whiny vanity about people like you taking for-freaking-ever to back out of a parking space.
>> How is it hard to park backwards? I assume you have to back up when leaving? Is that hard for you? <<
Evidently, it’s enormously hard for 99.999% of the people who do it. If I’m backing out, I’m always out in a single go. But people who back in have to try again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. I just waited three songs for some bastard in my building to park straight.