Nice family you have there.
I get along VERY will with my MIL and FIL but my wife’s sisters and husbands are a total loss. Thankfully they live in Minnesota where we see them once a best.
I’ve no direct kin left but I do have cousins nearby and had to remove them from any contact over the years. Contemptible folk they are, all of ‘em.
Happy you shared your story. Best to you and your grand family!
My SisIL, a lost neoCommunist cause, was lamenting that the schools no longer teach any type of critical thinking. That’s right, she was lamenting!
I asked her, “So what is your critical analysis of the data concerning Climate Change?” Her reply, “I don’t need to analyze the data, that’s what we have the NSF for...”
There is a belief out there that Government workers are morally superior to mere scientists who do nothing but find facts. It is the government worker who molds those facts into abject truth.
All facts are to be filtered by the government before distribution to the people. That is the NEW critical thinking.