To: dp0622
Yeah, well, I’ll be 93 and they’ll have to pry the key FOB for my Ram out of my arthritic fingers.
4 posted on
05/15/2019 9:40:29 AM PDT by
( #My2ndAmend! ----- Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH?)
To: rktman
I’ve noticed I can’t tell a person’s age by their posts.
I thought you were around the same age as me.
It’s good to know that 20 years from now I’ll still be funny and sharp still :)
Well, not that I ever was :)
9 posted on
05/15/2019 9:44:04 AM PDT by
(The Left should know if.. Trump is kicked out of office, it is WAR)
To: rktman
Ill be 96 or not present and I plan to get one more car before Im too old - hopefully a 1000hp gas fueled mid engined corvette
19 posted on
05/15/2019 9:50:49 AM PDT by
from occupied ga
(Your government is your most dangerous enemy)
To: rktman
I’ll be 82, and will just have saved enough to buy a Porsche. Molon labe, Dems.
52 posted on
05/15/2019 10:42:59 AM PDT by
(I stand with Trump) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson