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To: stylin19a; bagster; bitt; defconw; generally; ransomnote; TEXOKIE; All

I had a nap and now some insomnia. Here’s an article regarding EMP -finally!!! POTUS TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS !!!

President Trump May Now Need To ‘Knock Some Heads Together’ To Fix One Of The Greatest Threats Facing America

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
April 1, 2019
President Trump May Now Need To ‘Knock Some Heads Together’ To Fix One Of The Greatest Threats Facing America

- President Trump must penetrate the obfuscations of lobbyists & the lies of do nothing bureaucrats

By Dr. Peter Vincent Pry - All News Pipeline

Despite nonstop Democratic obstruction, President Trump proves once again that he tries his best to keep his promises.

When candidate Trump began his race for president in the Iowa Republican caucuses, I briefed him that the greatest and least understood threat to our nation and global electronic civilization is electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

Candidate Trump, astonished that the U.S. government had done nothing to protect the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures, said, “Don’t worry. When I’m elected president, we’ll knock some heads together and fix this.”

Now President Donald Trump deserves the gratitude of every American for his new “Executive Order on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Threats” signed on March 26, 2019.

It may well be the most significant executive order of any presidency.

And it does, in effect, “knock together the heads” of the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Defense (DOD) and all other relevant U.S. government departments and agencies in a well-crafted masterplan to achieve national EMP preparedness.

The president’s executive order recognizes manmade and natural electromagnetic pulse (EMP) (from the high-altitude detonation of a nuclear weapon or from a solar superstorm) are existential threats to America and the world:

“An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) has the potential to disrupt, degrade, and damage technology and critical infrastructure systems.

Human-made or naturally occurring EMPs can affect large geographic areas, disrupting elements critical to the Nation’s security and economic prosperity, and could adversely affect global commerce and stability.”

Crucially, after a quarter-century of warnings by scientists and experts, Mr. Trump is the first president to act decisively against the EMP threat: “The federal government must foster sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the nation’s resilience to the effects of EMPs.”

The Congressional EMP Commission, officially the Commission to Assess the Threat from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, has been warning for years that manmade or natural EMP could destroy our electronic civilization — killing millions — in reports published in 2004, 2008, and 2017. And before that, beginning in 1995, Congress held the first unclassified hearings sounding the alarm about the then little-known threat from EMP.

In 2008, Dr. William R. Graham, Chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission, testified that an EMP event causing a nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill up to 90 percent of Americans through starvation and societal chaos.

According to the July 2017 “EMP Commission Chairman’s Report” (available on

“While during the Cold War major efforts were undertaken by the Department of Defense (DoD) to assure that the U.S. national command authority and U.S. strategic forces could survive and operate after an EMP attack, no major efforts were then thought necessary by the national leadership to protect critical national infrastructures, provided that nuclear deterrence was successful.

“With the development of small nuclear arsenals and long-range missiles by small, hostile, potentially irrational countries, including North Korea, the threat of a nuclear EMP attack against the U.S. becomes one of the few ways that such a country could inflict devastating damage to the U.S.”

The chairman’s report concludes, “Therefore, it is critical that the U.S. national leadership address the EMP threat as an immediate, existential issue, and give a high priority to assuring the necessary leadership is engaged and the necessary steps are taken to protect the country from EMP.”

President Trump’s EMP Executive Order seeks to realize the recommendations of the Congressional EMP Commission on a fast timeline, quickly.

It’s an excellent first step toward achieving national EMP preparedness.

Wisely, President Trump’s executive order puts the White House in charge of managing national EMP preparedness, as recommended by the EMP Commission and my book “EMP Manhattan Project” (

DOE and DHS have been asleep at the wheel for years, doing little or nothing to protect the nation from EMP, so White House leadership on EMP preparedness is urgently necessary.

One of the smartest features of the EMP Executive Order requires that vulnerability of critical infrastructure vital equipment be established through empirical testing in EMP simulators.

DOE, the national labs, and their partners in the electric power industry, like the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, really an industry lobby masquerading as an objective think tank), have done great injury to national security with junk science reports.

They purportedly prove the national electric grid would be little damaged and quickly recovered from natural or nuclear EMP.

These studies rely on garbage-in-garbage-out computer models grossly underestimating EMP threats.

EPRI’s junk science is knowingly dishonest, since the EMP Commission met with their two EMP non-experts to try correcting their faulty analysis — to no avail.

EPRI’s happy face EMP reports are reminiscent of the cigarette industry’s untrustworthy “independent laboratory assessments,” allegedly proving there is no causal linkage between smoking and lung cancer.

Computer models are no substitute for EMP equipment testing, as last done comprehensively by the Congressional EMP Commission.

Now the battle to make America safe from EMP really begins.

President Trump must now penetrate the obfuscations of lobbyists, the lies of do nothing bureaucrats.

That is, he must keep knocking heads together to achieve the objectives of his excellent EMP Executive Order.

This story was originally published here. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security. He served on the Congressional EMP Commission as chief of staff, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA. He is author of “Blackout Wars.” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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265 posted on 04/02/2019 2:08:46 AM PDT by greeneyes
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To: greeneyes; bagster; bitt; defconw; generally; ransomnote; TEXOKIE; All

The Latest Scheme to Turn Gun Owners into Criminals
By Jonathon Moseley

Gun-owners, they are coming: on March 21, a Fredericksburg man was prosecuted and convicted of the misdemeanor crime of merely holding a B.B. gun in public.

I know because I was in the trial, as the attorney defending Mr. Wolff.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. However, gun control activists are trying to criminalize gun ownership. Their next step is that you are a criminal if you take a gun out in public. If they have to let you own a gun, you can’t ever take it out of its case.

Liberals continue to try to criminalize private ownership of guns, despite losing a key battle in District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783, 2820–2821, 171 L.Ed.2d 637, (2008). Unlike conservatives, left-wingers never quit.

They intend to win the war eventually and disarm the American people.
Now they claim that it is illegal to “open carry” a firearm. The mere existence of a gun if anyone else is around now has become the crime of “brandishing” and/or “assault” (which means frightening people, contrary to popular misunderstanding) or both.

In Virginia, in the Fredericksburg General District Court, my client was charged with two counts of “brandishing” a firearm under Va. Code 18.2-282 and two counts of assault under the all-purpose (vague) Va. Code §18.2-57, for a single incident that took no more than 30 seconds.

(In my own defense, I took the case knowing that Virginia statutes are bad and need to be challenged by a campaign of appeals.)

In the early morning of January 3, 2019, Mr. Wolff — who because of the pain of his injuries did not sleep most of the night — heard a loud commotion in the private athletic club parking lot right to him.

There was a history of trespassing, drunken parties, and police activity there. He described often seeing the blue flashing lights of police cars filling his living room from that spot over the years.

He knew that the parking lot was blocked by a cable and a lock, so anyone parking there would be committing a crime, including breaking the cable and the lock.

Just last week, he found a .22 bullet casing in that parking lot.
He testified that he did not know what was going on, so he took his B.B. gun for his own protection.

Standing in his own yard, he shouted across the fence, “What are you doing there? That is private property.” The woman then shouted,

“He’s got a gun!” The man and the woman then calmly walked away, never answering his question. They were “flaggers” assisting a road construction project, but nobody had ever informed Mr. Wolff before.

His question was never answered. He went back into his townhouse, thought the incident was over, and went back to his morning meal.

Nobody suggested that he ever pointed the B.B. gun at anyone, nor that he waved it or flourished it in an ostentatious or angry manner (referring to dictionary definitions of “brandish”). But he was then arrested for two counts of “assault by intimidation” and two counts of brandishing, purely because the two workers said they were afraid.

There was body-cam video of the interviews after the fact. Everyone agreed on the day of the incident that the defendant carried a B.B. gun by holding the barrel (the front tip up by his hip) so that the trigger end hung down near the ground, and that he held the B.B. gun down next to his leg. He then leaned it up against the fence.

There were four counts alleging two victims from the same incident. So if you have a gun around ten people, you could be charged with twenty misdemeanors from one single action.

That would be ten crimes of brandishing by just holding the gun passively and ten crimes of assault from the same holding, because there are ten people around.

The judge seemed sympathetic but said that he felt constrained by prior court cases to find Mr. Wolff guilty of Va. Code § 18.2-282, which also criminalizes merely “holding” a firearm “in such manner as to” frighten someone.

The judge discussed with me that the statute is completely subjective from the standpoint of the complaining person.
I say this makes the statute unconstitutional — void for vagueness — because anyone can say he is afraid just because you are holding a gun.

How do you know what to means to hold a gun “in such a manner” as to make someone afraid? There are no standards to follow.

How do you know if you are breaking the law? What is “brandishing?” Nobody knows. There is no definition in the statute. Virginia considers dictionaries, but those definitions are all over the map.

We should all be offended by vague and ambiguous laws that can be bent like putty in the hands of prosecutors or police.

Va. Code §18.2-282 and similar laws nationwide are unconstitutional because they are “void for vagueness,” in violation of the due process rights of the U.S. Constitution.

Mentions in precedents and dictionaries are inconsistent as well as incredibly vague and ambiguous.

Neither I nor Mr. Wolff has the funds to, but someone needs to take this all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down these vague laws.

Many of the events on January 3 were captured by police “body worn camera” video, which is still available to confirm every detail.

The trial was captured by court reporting firm Frances K. Haley & Associates, Inc.
Now, in order to take the case to Second Amendment organizations like the Virginia Civil Defense League, Gun Owners of America, and the NRA, or The Rutherford Institute with John Whitehead in Virginia, it is necessary to show the court reporter’s transcript to them.

They need to know that this case is a good example of the legal question before going forward with it.
Mr. Wolff is a disabled veteran living on a small pension. He needs help to pay $1,300 for the court reporter’s transcript.

Otherwise, he won’t be able to take the case up on appeal. If anyone cares about the growing assault on every American’s Second Amendment rights, please help with a donation of whatever you can manage, large or small.

Gun-owners, they are coming: on March 21, a Fredericksburg man was prosecuted and convicted of the misdemeanor crime of merely holding a B.B. gun in public.

I know because I was in the trial, as the attorney defending Mr. Wolff.
The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. However, gun control activists are trying to criminalize gun ownership.

Their next step is that you are a criminal if you take a gun out in public. If they have to let you own a gun, you can’t ever take it out of its case.

Liberals continue to try to criminalize private ownership of guns, despite losing a key battle in District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783, 2820–2821, 171 L.Ed.2d 637, (2008).

Unlike conservatives, left-wingers never quit. They intend to win the war eventually and disarm the American people.

Now they claim that it is illegal to “open carry” a firearm. The mere existence of a gun if anyone else is around now has become the crime of “brandishing” and/or “assault” (which means frightening people, contrary to popular misunderstanding) or both.

In Virginia, in the Fredericksburg General District Court, my client was charged with two counts of “brandishing” a firearm under Va. Code § 18.2-282 and two counts of assault under the all-purpose (vague) Va. Code §18.2-57, for a single incident that took no more than 30 seconds.

(In my own defense, I took the case knowing that Virginia statutes are bad and need to be challenged by a campaign of appeals.)

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266 posted on 04/02/2019 2:22:17 AM PDT by greeneyes
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