Google and others want to get the NUTS out of the running before they win the primary and it’s too late.
But if you get rid of all the nuts running for the D ticket, well...
Exactly, you want the head whacko to win the nomination, what are conservatives thinking here. I’d prefer Beta O’Dork, that lightweight candy-ass would self-destruct days before an election. I saw one video of him that was so funny. He’s all complaining that GM doesn’t pay taxes. In the same video clip 20 seconds later, he’s complaining that GM is reaping a huge tax benefit from Trump. What????? If you pay zero taxes, there’s no tax benefit coming your way (unless the IRS is throwing you free money????). This guy is a moron and absolutely cannot think on his feet. All he can do is spew talking points and he sounds bored doing it, he must’ve went to the Al Gore school of speech (except he doesn’t sound like he’s on a 7-beer buzz like Al always does).