It’s only stupid for those who are too young to have lived through the Great Depression.
No. It would still be stupid. Saving trash cause maybe it’ll be useful someday is dumb across the board.
[Its only stupid for those who are too young to have lived through the Great Depression.]
I have learned people throw out stuff all the time. It’s only a $1 they say. I re-purpose or use everything to the max.
Now, I’m not talking garbage, that is (i.e. food containers, rinds). But I DO use stuff to compost in the garden. I like to keep putting stuff down before it snows and let the snow melt and work it into the ground - same with rain.
Soil looks dark and healthy. More so than the other ground nearby not treated like that. This year it’s going to be onions or flowers. Haven’t decided. Flowers are considered to put down roots and help keep the soil. I hope that works, anyways.
I may put the onions in pots (big ones). This time I will not plant so many. They are hardy little suckers. Last year, planted the pots and then it snowed AND froze twice. Look out there one day and they are growing like weeds. The tops were 2-3 feet long before you knew it.
Wal*Mart - bag of bulbs $3 right now - I try to get a lot of red onions but there is a mix of yellow, white and red. The very small bulbs don’t do much but the ones that are about 1/2 the size of a golf ball do really well. I used rainwater, city water (most of the time because of little rain), some Miracle Gro I’ve had for years and this year I have some Epsom Salt to add. I’ll put down just a little for each, hopefully.