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To: greeneyes
When practicing the ancient style of Oracle gung fu, one cannot open two notepads at once.

In this way, one can tell whether the Oracle is Oracling or casually threading, solving Q dilemmas, or busting on his fellow FReeQs in a jocular manner.

Learn our comms.

921 posted on 03/18/2019 3:20:30 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster

Still no commie house? Thanks-I don’t like to barf.

924 posted on 03/18/2019 3:27:40 AM PDT by greeneyes
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To: bagster

Is today -1 or Boom ShakaLaka day.

926 posted on 03/18/2019 3:34:07 AM PDT by DainBramage
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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


Look at me. Making an Oracle on the same night as the Q posts. Laws, yes.

Now let's find out which stories the Oracle isfollowing.

  • Let's talk Russian dossier. StevenW posted this.

    Followed up by this.



    Christopher Steele admitted using posts by 'random individuals' on CNN website to back up Trump dossier


    Former British spy Christopher Steele admitted that he relied on an unverified report on a CNN website for part of the "Trump dossier," which was used as a basis for the FBI's investigation into Trump.

    According to deposition transcripts released this week, Steele said last year he used a 2009 report he found on CNN's iReport website and said he wasn't aware that submissions to that site are posted by members of the public and are not checked for accuracy.

  • Little Jeremiah-12-huge-bombshells-in-one-week


    12 HUGE Bombshells in One Week – But, “Nothing’s Happening?”


    Twelve HUGE, damning bombshells dropped this week, spinning this storm into high gear. From the Lisa Page transcripts to McCain’s connection to the dossier, a grand jury investigation into Facebook, massive NXIVM updates, Jeffrey Epstein back on the chopping block, and Andrew Weisman leaving special counsel.

    And, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was preparing her audition for her role as a congresswoman for New York, Paul Ryan was sabotaging democrat subpoenas.

    Meanwhile, Hollywood’s being sliced and diced for paying off colleges and Ivy League Schools to get their children admitted. Of course, this is only the beginning of investigations into nefarious actions taking place in the upper echelons of colleges, and it’s safe to say, politicians will surely make the list.


  • Gaijan posted this, with comment, beyond the trees.

    Charlie Kirk is spilling the beans on this. Apparently James O'Keefe at Project Veritas has plenty of video footage documenting all this. Voting abuse is rampant in California. Last year EVERY district in conservative Orange County turned blue. Need ANYONE wonder how, now..?

    No word on exactly when O'Keefe will release the video but look for it soon.

    This, in the Oracle's backyard. Yet they STILL failed to take down my boy, Devin Nunes. Chances are this happens all over the state of California. The DMV is captured by derps.

    Derp Motor Vehicles.

  • BiggBob-Placemarks.

    The link contains a nice graphic (hard to read) of PLACEMARKS (major events) both past and "future"?


    Ok based on this graphic here are some upcoming events we can look forward to the "placeholders"

    First note the gavel to start legal proceedings.

  • Some follow-up reportage on the New Zealand false flag shooting.

    greeneyes-New Zealand Shooting.


    So I’ve been reading a few threads and some snippets of info that I have run across with respect to N.Zealand. Can’t vouch for any of it. Mostly from notables. Posting mainly in case any one else runs across credible sources.

    USMC79to83-Shooter/Embassy Break-In Connection?


    Evidence Indicates Link Between North Korean Embassy Break-In And Christchurch Attacks


    As the world reels from the tragic terrorist attack against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, much attention has been given to sensational information about the single named suspect, Brenton Tarrant.

    However, the hyperfocus on Tarrant distracts from the fact that the Australian national was arrested along with other suspects.

    An investigation and analysis by Disobedient Media indicates that Tarrant and the group he worked with likely have professional military connections, are part of the same cell that perpetrated a February 22nd break in of the North Korean embassy in Spain and potentially have intelligence ties to various agencies that cooperate under the UKUSA Agreement popularly known as Five Eyes (FVEY).

    eldoradodude-Much More on NZ Shooter

    (excerpt/contains good photos/map)

    Joyce Tarrant, 94, said the cold-blooded killer who filmed himself calmly gunning down Muslims during Friday prayers was not the grandson she knew.

    Revel- #NEONREVOLT On NZ False Flag


    The ‘STRIKE’ will be FAST! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

    (excerpt) was clear: this (NZ shooting) was all a set up designed to take down 8ch and the /Qresearch/ boards.

    Okay, how about some Q?


POTUS Retweets Qanon Follower on March 17th (Q Proof)

What day is today?
How much more obvious can we make it?

The President of the United States retweeted a Q (17) follower's tweet on the 17th day of March.


The tweet will be revealed in the next posting.


POTUS Retweeted 8 Others for Plausible Deniability; March (17)th Message to Anons

Anon kindly posts Trump's re-tweet, with a comment.

Look what POTUS retweeted and what's in the upper left corner. Hmmmm

Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?
March (17) - message to?

Notice the Q with MAGA hat prominently displayed in the upper left hand corner.

Q says The Donald retweeted (8) other times to have "plausible deniability" for the normies. But we see what you did there, Trump/Q.


Message to Anons: We Are With You!

Anon proudly writes,


Q assures them he is with them.


WRWY = We Are With You.


Dig: New Zealand Shooter

What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
Did he have a therapist?
Who paid for his travel to the Middle East?

Q posts a graphic indicating that John Podesta travelled to New Zealand five days prior to the NZ shooting, and that the shooter used symbology (occult/14/fish) that Podesta is known for using.


Q suggests anons DIG (like a dog with a bone) for information on whether the shooter had a therapist like many other MK-Ultra mass shooters have had.

Also to find out who paid for his foriegn travel.

Here are the results of some FReeQ digging.

Defiant speculation.

Did he have a therapist? —I’m guessing yes. A common factor in all the mass shootings.
Who paid for his travel to the Middle East? —I’m guessing CIA or NZ’s version thereof.

Background on shooter.



Brenton Tarrant: From gym trainer to murder suspect

(excerpt w/graphics)

5. I have a feeling the money trail will trace back to Turkey. This killer was likely radicalized and taught to act as an undercover Muslim so that the narrative could be focused on white supremacy.

Notice how Brenton Tarrant posted all his posts on Facebook on one day. Some are old events. I bet he took this from someone else.

Steve Van Doorn-Facebook Archive

DainBramage followed up.

Not just all in one day, every 30 seconds all in one day. Like he had them ready.

SOOO MK-ultra.


Thread on John Podesta in New Zealand 8 Days Before Shooting

(linked tweet)

1. THREAD: Podesta touring Australia and NZ

John Podesta has just completed an Australian speaking tour on 7 March, 2019.

There has been very little media coverage.

Some FReeQ reportage on this post.

TEXOKIE-More On Podesta/NZ


I did some digging too. Despite my still sluggish computer, I found something most curious. It is an article showing that THE EMAILS OF JOHN PODESTA WHICH WERE LEAKED BY WIKILEAKS APPARENTLY WERE HACKED FROM A LOCATION JUST OFF ***NEW ZEALAND.***


The latest Wikileaks release has revealed exactly how Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s gmail account was hacked, and the domain in the phishing email is from an island off the coast of of New Zealand.


(much more at link)


Smileyface-More on NZ/Podesta

StevenW speculates.

Did he have a therapist? —I’m guessing yes. A common factor in all the mass shootings. [*** These people are stupid. ***]

Who paid for his travel to the Middle East? —I’m guessing CIA or NZ’s version thereof. [*** or affiliates ***]

Little Jeremiah speculates.

Regarding paying for his travels, perhaps HRC/Podesta.

The Oracle has seen no hard reporting on the shooter's therapist or who paid for his foriegn travels.


We Must Fight - President Reagan

Link is to a great video of President Ronald Reagan saying WE MUST FIGHT.


We Have to Fight Back

Q reposts the Judge Jeanine/Donald Trump re-tweet with the Q in the MAGA hat, then this, which says, "President Trump calls on FOX News to 'bring back' Jeanine Pirro.

"We have to fight back."

Looking at you, FOX News.


Keep Fighting
"Keep fighting…"

(linked Trump tweet) the people that got you there. Keep fighting for Tucker, and fight hard for @JudgeJeanine. Your competitors are jealous - they all want what you’ve got - NUMBER ONE. Don’t hand it to them on a silver platter. They can’t beat you, you can only beat yourselves!

(note: Ed Krassenstein is all over this tweet. More later on this subject)


Patriot vs Traitor


Good vs Evil

StevenW on the hunt.

I’m seeing references in forbidden city to possible painting title, “Between Heaven and Hell” (?)

And generally tracks it down.

generally-Heaven And Hell 2

This time with added attractions.

Pete From Shawnee Mission had this thought.

So we take the picture presented can be understood as showing the Spring equinox, Darkness to Light falling on March 20, The Deviant art original—meant to be found—was titled Heaven and Hell with an angel and devil.

So another Double intent/multiple meanings to confirm a timetable.

What do you think? Declas? Then arrests?


The American Revolutionary War Began April 19, 1775


Note the title of the photo (1775).

FReeQish thoughts.


Maybe Q is saying that we are like pre-1776. Maybe 1776 and the BOOMs are just over the horizon?


In 1775 there was the expectation and fear of revolution. People waiting fot the explosion.


The Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War (1775-83).

And check out this one, along with the date.


‘Give me liberty or give me death”... Patrick Henry March 23, 1775 St. John’s Church.


Patriots in Control of Twitter?
Who has the 'real' control?
Can you remove the top comments?

(linked Trump tweet)


Ready for some real time fun?

What's important about the linked Trump tweet, is the people that commented.

Q asks @Jack (Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter) who has REAL control. Q challenges him to REMOVE THE TOP CONTENTS.

Dorsey complies, and the fun begins. FReeQs twitterfags were on it in real time and reported their observations.


I was looking at the POTUS tweet before Q post 3108 and it had several comments from @qanon at the top. Then I looked at it after Q post 3108 and those replies were lower and the Ryan Hill posts were on top.


Hehehe! I just refreshed the POTUS tweet and now @qanon is back on top again!!!!

TruthWillWin responds to generally

Not anymore, now on top is Ryan Hill left wing garbage?


This is seriously amazing. I’m watching POTUS/Q control the top twitter replies!

StevenW-New Troll Emerges.

Who is this Ryan Hill character? I’d never seen “it” before - and there were like 5 posts ... NO Krassensteins. I think this was the first time in the past 1+ year I’ve looked at a POTUS tweet and not seen the Krassensteins.

(more at link)

generally gives a brief rundown of this twitter activity.

generally-Twitter Games.

So, Q challenged @Jack, and Jack responded. They both showed their ability to manipulate tweet order in a feed.

Is this how the Krassenstein (and others') tweets always show up at the top of Trump's tweets?



Jack Dorsey Showed His Hand

Thanks for playing, @Jack.
Showing your hand was the intended target.
The 'SRIKE' will be FAST.
Shall We Play A Game?

Oooops. Looks like @Jack fell for the banana in the tail pipe trick. These people really ARE stupit.

Q lets him know he got suckered and SHOWED HIS HAND (capability to move tweets around in a feed), and that was the porpoise of this excercise.

Whatever STRIKE happens to Twitter or @Jack will be FAST.

Here is more FReeQ reportage on this matter.


I don’t know of course - but I think what they did was tempt @Jack into doing something that has apparently been done - if you follow back & forth between generally & myself + others above leading up to the “Q” post.

If I read correctly, @Jack just did something that moved the top response out of the picture (LITERALLY!) and by so doing ... well that would be highly illegal in purview of FTC & the good guys were probably monitoring - whether that was intended to be caught or realized (seeing same things we were) ... dunno ... but another “proof” that this is the bestest plan ever!


This was the most amazing Q night yet! Just by chance, I had one window open to POTUS twitter feed, another to Q. I watched the top replies to POTUS changing real time while Q was posting about it!

StevenW's synopsis and obervations of the incident.

StevenW-Twitter Wars


9. It defies possibility OTHER THAN manual direct intervention, programmed anti-competitive embedded in Twitter’s censorship algorithms, or both.

(more at link)


Did you see the perceptible ‘hang’ on twitter just after the Q taunt?

Anons saying that twitter was momentarily ‘freed’....

bitt found old Q posts that may shed some light on tonight's goings on.

bitt-Old Q posts.

(relevant phrases)

‘Central’ algorithm.


We have the algorithm.
Thank you @ Snowden.
Learn chess.

bitt posts comments by anons on 8chan.

bitt-Anon Comments.


POTUS retweeted a Q account then he rewtweeted Posofag. Now Q did the same with the replies. Q has hacked into Twatter’s algo

Q is simply proving that @Jack is discriminating and fixing Twatter. You are watching it happen live.

Q Just owned @JACK. @JACK fell for the trap and exposed Twatter’s algos and logic as biased:

(more at link)

And finally, generally reported this.

According to 8ch, @jack tweeted his location (Chitose-shi, Hokkaido) and the Japanese flag, then 2 minutes later Q thanked him for playing.

I wonder if @jack is really in Japan and if so, what he’s up to there. And if not, then why did he tweet that he was?

Good times on Twitter were had by all.


Typo in Previous Drop

Q reposts his last, then this.

On the move.

See you in the funny papers.

So ends another exciting night of Q, with real time activiy. What will tomorrow bring? Stay tuned.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.

949 posted on 03/18/2019 5:20:31 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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