“””I find it difficult to wrap my head around MOSSAD being infested with clowns or even actively working against Netanyahu through MOSSAD, to topple Isreal as a soveign entity. Yet, if that is so, then, yes they need a deep cleaning that only the US MIL can execute.”””
First, define what a Jew is/means.
Is it a biological race?
Is it a religion?
Is it a “denomination” (of Jew)?
is it a political movement?
Are all biological Jews religious?
Are all practicing Jews of the same biological race?
Is calling a person an Anti-Semite both real and/or a PC ploy to cower down a political opponent the same way the Demons use the race card?
Bu, bu, but The Holocaust! It occurred, but is it now more than “never forget” to become a political tool? Am I conditioned to put the disclaimer “It occurred...” to ward off being labelled an Anti-Semite?
Could there be black hats that say they are Jews, but are not?
Could the Rothschilds not meet the definition of what a “Jew” is?
It gets very complicated.
But I have no issue thinking the MOSSAD may be controlled by black hats that call themselves Jews, but are not.
Or are they?
A Rothschild representative may or may not be Jewish from what I understand, but either way they don’t give a rip about Jews as people or a tribe. They were happy to wash their hands of them in the holocast, for example.
I find it difficult to wrap my head around MOSSAD being infested with clowns or even actively working against Netanyahu
Illuminati and their puppets have infiltrated virtually every organization that can help them maintain their power. Nothing surprises me about infestations, especially the CriminalsInAction AKA clowns.
After all, Nazis were imported via Op. Paperclip to what became CIA, and the network in Germany dealing with Russia, was left totally intact-what could go wrong???? Well I guess we know the answer now.