The verbiage on this thread has been flying so thick and fast, you must have missed what I posted to you at
Here,I'll repeat myself. That doesn't seem to make any impression, but I'll repeat myself anyway:
"BTW, deviant gay intercourse, like every other kind of deviant perverse intercourse, is a sin.When anybody does that, clergy or laity, gay or straight, male or female, married or unmarried, drunk or sober, closeted or loud and proud, it is a sin. If you don't repent and you receive ANY Sacrament unrepentant, that is another sin on top of the first one.
Called sacrilege."
Sacrilegious activities of any kind are unlawful. A priest being in mortal sin does not affect the action of a Liturgy or a Sacrament by his gross unworthiness (since the priest is not acting on his own power or merit, but Christ's) --- however the sodomite priest himself is personally guilty of sacrilege, which is frightfully evil, and he is answerable for that to God.
He ought to be removed, as Abp. Viganò said. Those who know of his sodomy and permit it to continue, are also guilty of being accessories to his sin.
Catholics --- including priests and hierarchs --- violating Catholic moral law constitutes a real horror.
That does not invaldidate Catholic moral law. It calls out all the more urgently for its enforcement.
I hope all will pray with me for the repentance of Catholic sinners, together with all sinners everywhere.
Call no man father...
And especially for those in leadership positions - no matter where found.