Q opens up 8ch for Q&A. Q starts answering the most intriguing questions. This gets people excited and they flock to the site. This puts a huge load on the 8ch servers (and maybe others).
The goal, IMO, is to see how big a load they can handle.
I don’t necessarily believe ANY of the answers that Q gave. Including “stress test failed”. But who knows? I think Q will tell us eventually.
At the very least, Q got some idea of how many people will show up on a “big” day on 8ch. I believe that was also the reason for the steady drip of posts during the day. People tended to hang around because they didn’t want to miss anything. Then in the evening when many people were home from work and able to watch closely, the Q&A sucked as many as possible in.
Way behind and posting blind. re: testing the servers. I was not even home to help melt them. :(