Bears repeating, so I will, so that those on the next page will see it. Makes a lot of sense.
I don’t know if either of you have experience in project management. There is a tool called a PERT Chart that determines the path by which steps must happen for the successful culmination of the project. One path on a PERT Chart is known as the Critical Path.
Kavanaugh’s presence on the Court is on the Critical Path. Without him, the lower federal courts will put a stop to the arrests and the pain. They will also block the use of military tribunals when the fertilizer hits the ventilator.
The successful outcome of the midterm elections is also on the Critical Path. The top players cannot be arrested until the votes are in place to prevent the adversary from using the legislative process to block what must be done.
At some point after Kavanaugh’s seating on the Court, or after the midterm elections, I fully expect the Left to launch a rebellion similar to what happened in France in May 1968, and I expect the response to be martial law.
:: I fully expect the Left to launch a rebellion ::
Highly unlikely but not out of the realm of possibility.
That type of thing would necessarily need to happen from a grass-roots action and, then, directed at some nebulous group (the rich, white supremacists, etc.). The neo-communists in charge know they can’t win. Only a small group of bat-guano crazy would try this.
Even then, martial law won’t happen.
We’ve got the guns.
Trump is a very successful builder
He knows all about PERT charts and Operations Research.
I’m expecting chaos as well. The midterms are going to be a bigger epic fail for the Democrats and the response will be typical.