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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


Q did Q & A tonight, as the 8chan board came under either overload or DDOS attack. Too many people were logged on, as I understand it. The Kavanaugh saga continues, and the so-called victim looks worse and worse by the minute.

Let's see what stories the Oracle is following.

  • Some thoughts in the "social media purge" by the derps.

    Jocko Manning-Soros/Media Matters Video.

  • Mueller and the media. Three articles talking about Mueller's leaking to the media.

    StevenW-Dirty Mule Media Funnel.

  • George Papadopoulis/Downer.



    “Downer had one job ... get Papadopolous to say ‘e-mails’” ... “the push worked”, “you have one job”, just get PapaD to say “e-mails” - AND PAPADOPOLOUS NEVER DOES!

    Watch the video for details. Dan Bongino.

  • Pompeo dogs out Kerry.

    Stormflag-Pompeo/Ingraham Interview.


    "Secretary Kerry can't seem to get off the stage," Pompeo told Ingraham. "It's one thing to meet with your counterpart, it’s another thing to do what Secretary Kerry, Wendy Sherman, Ernest Moniz, frankly the whole gang has done, which is to actively seek to undermine what President Trump is trying to achieve."

  • Is the FBI the Mafia? Paging Eliot Ness.

    mairdie-FBI 2 Sets of Books.


    SARA CARTER: FBI Had 2 Separate Sets of Books – One With Real Spygate Docs and Another For Appearances.

  • The "Kavanaugh Scandal" is becoming its own scandal, and hilariously so. Democrats continue to beclown themselves.

    bitt reports that Fox News is reporting that Feinstein has never sent the original unredacted copy of the accuser’s letter to Grassley and that he demands it immediately!

    And here, Grassley demands the unredacted letter from Feinstein.

    Stormflag-Grassley demands letter.

    The accuser's high scholl yearbook scrubbed?

    LucyT-Accuser's Yearbook Scrubbed.


    WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity .

    StevenW-Feinstein Skipped Hearings on Kavanaugh.


    As is standard practice, we invited the Minority staff to participate and ask Judge Kavanaugh its own questions, but the Minority staff declined. The Majority staff has also sought to set up interviews with Dr. Ford, Mark Judge, and two other alleged witnesses. The Minority staff is welcome to participate in the investigative process as well, but it has thus far declined.

    Feinstein and the derps are hopelessy losing this one. Great strategy by Grassley. When the fake victim fails to attend her own hearing on Monday, the derps should have no legitimate justification for delaying or postponing the vote.

    Checkmate, bitches.

    How 'bout we check in with Q?



New Player on the Chess Board: Robert Storch (NSA Inspector General)

How about a nice game of chess?

IG Horowitz (“Justice” Dept) speech – ‘whistleblowers’


“Since 2015, he has simultaneously served as the Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), an organization comprised of all 73 federal Inspectors General.”
Think yesterday.
What was learned?
Robert Storch confirmed NSA IG?


First presidentially-appointed IG for NSA?
Dept of “Justice” [background] important?
Federal prosecutor in N. District of NY [background] important?

“Prior to joining NSA, Mr. Storch served in several positions at the Department of Justice's OIG, including as Senior Counsel to the IG and Acting Deputy IG prior to his 2015 appointment as Deputy IG. He also served as chairman of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Whistleblower Ombudsman Working Group. The Whistleblower Ombudsperson program he helped establish is widely seen as a leader in the field.”

“Earlier in his career, Mr. Storch also worked as a federal prosecutor in the Northern District of New York, most recently serving as the Deputy Criminal Chief and Counsel to the U.S. Attorney. He was also posted overseas for two years as a Department of Justice Resident Legal Advisor in Ukraine.”


“The CIGIE is comprised of all Inspectors General whose offices are established under section 2 or section 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), those that are Presidentially-appointed/Senate Confirmed and those that are appointed by agency heads (designated federal entities).”

Inspector General.

How might this benefit ‘possible’ ongoing investigations across inter-intra federal agencies?


NSA been pushed since the beginning?
Logical thinking.
The "Experts"
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP [team of less than 20 typically] & wait 2-4 years [take a gamble]

But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP because unlike the CLINTON EMAIL CORRUPT CASE [as demonstrated by the FBI/DOJ people FIRED/REMOVED] this will be conducted faithfully and honestly [like MUELLER]

But… HUBER has not ‘directly’ interviewed several witnesses therefore the appointment of HUBER by SESSIONS [and therefore the IG] is not genuine
But… SESSIONS & HUBER are following standard DOJ open/ongoing investigation policy by not discussing [making public] so therefore nothing must be happening [FIRE SESSIONS!]

But… HUBER [ability to prosecute + empanel a grand jury outside of DC [90%+ voted HRC (2016)], who already began the investigation(s) late last year w/ assigned team of 470 investigators (attorneys) + IG + legal jurisdiction across all 50 states, is not a ‘special counsel’ so therefore nothing is being done

But… POTUS is attacking SESSIONS via TWITTER so therefore he is not working on behalf of the people’s interest (or POTUS’) [D’s/LEFT LOVE/TRUST SESSIONS!]
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are so many FBI & DOJ senior officials being FIRED and/or REMOVED from their respective positions of power? Who is AG? Who must sign off on each removal? DOJ in charge of FBI?
,p> But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 50,000+ sealed indictments across the US [what % = USA v. X?]? Coincidence vs. HUBER start?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are many ‘powerful’ CEOs, members of Congress/ Senate, resigning? Coincidence?

Example: Pre_POTUS did the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE indicate wanting to leave politics?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are human trafficking arrests SURGING?
Nothing to See Here.

Yesterday (Think Yesterday), Q pointed out that IG Horowitz was the Ethics leader of the 73 IG's. Today he comments on the IG of the NSA and mentions that he was appointed by President Trump. As we know, the NSA is fully in the camp of Trump/Q and working to defeat the derps. Draw your own conclusions on why Q is speaking of this.

Q says that Storch, the first Presidentially appointed NSA director EVER, has a background in the DOJ. That would be important as Storch works with Horowitz and Huber to drain the derps from the DOJ and allies with our guys in prosecuting derpy types.

Then Q segues into another TRUST SESSIONS rant. How many different ways and times can he tell us this, and yet there are still those who doubt.



Rod Rosenstein Attempts to Stall/Redact FISA Declassification Have Failed

[RR] attempts to stall DECLAS and/or REDACT have FAILED.Mbr> Got popcorn?
Enjoy the show.

What? But I thought [RR] was a white hat? It's good to know he failed, no matter what color hat he has.

Here is Sara Carter on this issue.

mairdie-Redacted Docs.


SARA CARTER: DOJ/FBI Colluding to Defy Trump Declassification Order – Will Deliver Docs Next Week WITH REDACTIONS

Sara, who some suspect of having Q people as a source, says that FBI/DOJ will turn over redacted docs, despite Trump's order.

Q says [RR] failed or will fail in that attempt.




Study The Democratic Playbook (Q Proof)

Do you believe in coincidences?
Think of context.
Nothing to See Here.

Q posts about the democrat "playbook" then Trump tweets about the democrat "playbook".

Probably a coincidence. :)



Castle LOCK

Castle LOCK.

Aquamarine quotes from Swordmaker's LexiQon.

From the LexiQon: Castle: (#219, #231, #756, #963, #1473, 1038, #1077, 1078) Castle is the Secret Service code name for the Executive Mansion or the White House. “Castle” is also used in operations code, such as GREEN_CASTLE, RED_CASTLE, and Castle LOCK (DROP #1333, #1363) (Thanks to FreeQ TexOkie). (See Frank Castle, GREEN_CASTLE, RED_CASTLE, Secret Service, White House).

Is the White House locked down?



Double Panic in United Kingdom and Washington DC


It would seem that there is derp panic on both sides of the swamp, I mean pond.

Is there code in Q saying it twice?



Q Starts a "Q&A" Session with the Anons


Q is taking questions from the anons on 8chan.



Anon asks;

Trudeau, ANYTHING? owl

Q responds;

Billionaire(s) 187. AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">FVEY
Safety House Build.
U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X

In regards to the "Billionaire(s) 187 (murdered);

StevenW-Dead Canadien Billionaires

There are three links about a married Canadien couple (billionaires) that were killed.

More information on the murdered Canadien billionaires.

AzLiberty-Dead Canadiens.


"It seems Barry donated a huge amount of generic drugs to [the Clinton Foundation] – allegedly for use in Haiti, Rwanda, and last year in Puerto Rico…"

When Sherman died, he was under investigation for an illegal fundraiser he held for Justin Trudeau. (In Canada you can't be both a fundraiser and a lobbyist.)

Then Q lists the member states in 5 eyes, 1,2,3,4 times then 5eyes. 1,2,3,4,5. Significant or playful? Q doesn't play often. Just when you think he's playing, you find a hot clue in the playtime. Think wedding song.

"Safety House build" is a bit of a quandary. One person mentioned Hillary building a safe house, but that doesn't seem to fit in the context of the question (Trudeau).

Is Feye keeping Trudeau safe somehow?

Then Q gets into Uranium 1. Q points to the U1 company funneling uranium to Canada then on to X. What is X? Russia, Iran, Nk? All of the above? Is Trudeau a link in the funnel?



An anon posts,

General Flynn Will Be Exonerated

Q says;

In the end, all will be right.
Patriots protect Patriots.

Q says that Flynn will "be alright" in the end.

Will he be pardoned after sentencing? Will he even be sentenced? A lot can (and will) happen between now and December. Either way, Flynn will "be alright".



Resignations: Public Being Sheltered From the Full Extent of Their Crimes

An anon asks Q;

Are they going to continue to hide behind Sexual misconduct or will the truth come out?

Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.
Watch those announcing 2020 P running.
"You cannot attack a political opponent"
None are protected.
None are safe.

Q seems to be saying that many of the politicians, CEO's, and media derps that are leaving their positions (and there are a lot) under the cover of "sexual misconduct" are doing so not for that reason, but for other derp related reasons.

He then goes on to tell us to watch for people running for President in 2020 so that they will be safe from consequences under the umbrella of "you can't persecute a political opponent" (Hillary?). He says none are protected by that old chestnut nor will they be safe.

It will be interesting to see who declares for President.



Q Asks CodeMonkey to Increase 8ch Server Resources

/CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board.

CM is Code Monkey, the board owner where Q posts on 8chan. It looks like traffic is high for this Q&A session and Q requires more resoources to handle the traffic.



A Plane Did Crash into the Pentagon Building on 9-11

An anon asks,

Was the Pentagon hit by plane on 911

Q responds;


Simple as that. And another "conspiracy theory" is put to bed.



Alien Life Exists in Outer Space

Anon asks,

Are we alone ?

Roswell ?

Q says,

Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.

Q says we are not alone and that Roswell is under the highest classification, which is neither confirmation or denial, but pretty much says it all.

It appears that Q is confirming alien life and that the government has some information about it.

Notice that he didnt say "they walk among us". "they are invading", or that lizard people have taken over the reigns of power.

They do have a book given to them by the aliens called, "To Serve Man", however. No tranlation available at this time.

JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm a kidder).

And it was good to see that the thread didn't go down that road. Smart. We are learning.



Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Linked to Rod Rosenstein and FEMA Presidential Alert System

Anon asks,

Was moving the date back on POTUS FEMA "Presidential Alert" significant?

Due to K confirmation push.
Hand in hand.
[RR] stand down due to K conf.

There was a lot of chatter and discussion on this one, along with some confusion on what was meant by "[RR] stand down". Here is part of the discussion:

Thoughts from StevenW

StevenW-Kavanaugh and [RR].

Thoughts from mongrel;

mongrel-[RR] and Kavanaugh.

A Lisa Mei Crowley theory;

bitt-Lisa Mei Crowley.


“Some speculate since 20 Sep was asked for Presidential Alert EBS test, which coincided w/vote to confirm Kavanaugh & new test date coincides w/poss new date for confirmation vote, this may be when FISA DECLAS to be published. Kavanaugh is swing SC vote re: military tribunals”

Thoughts from Stormflag

Stormflag-Kavanaugh and [RR]

Thoughts from blu,

blu-[RR] and Kavanaugh.

Thoughts from Disestablishmentarian;

Disestablishmentarian-Kavanaugh and [RR]

Lots of very good thoughts and discussion were had. Most agree that the Emergency test is connected to the Kavanaugh confirmation in some way.



8ch Lagging Due to High User Load

/CM/ pls confirm ASAP resource upgrade.
Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.

Another message from Q to the board owner, Code Monkey. Q says the high level of people logged onto the board is causing lag issues.



The Moon Landings Are Real; Space Programs Exist Outside of Public Domain

An anon posts;p> Q,

Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?

Instead of slapping the anon, Q says;

False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

The moon landings were real. The anon could have asked me. My father worked on the lunar landing module and i had to spend fifth grade in Hampton, Virginia as a result. My daddy wasn't no Larp.

Q also says that there are some space programs that the public doesn't know about.

Hush hush, and very QT.




Tracking 412,000 IPs on 8ch

>we're DEF being attack'd
No, we are ddosing ourselves with over 330,000 IPs

412,000 now.

One anon corrects another who said the 8chan board was under attack. The anon says that the amount of people logged onto the board is extremely high but not enemy activity.

Q then corrects the anon and raises the number to 412k users. Q seems to know something about computers. Maybe he's xome kind of nerd?

And this was the last message from Q. Did the computer blow up or what?

See You in the Funny Papers.

I'll say one thing. That was one interesting Question and Answer time. Aliens, moon landings, and 9-11. The conspiracy theory boys must be disappointed. Q squashed a couple of their best ones. But at least we still have aliens and Roswell. :)

Let's be sure we don't jump the shark with lazer beams on it's frikken head on this stuff. Knowing that the governemtn knows about aliens is good enough for me, at this point.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.


1,694 posted on 09/20/2018 6:30:52 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster

ASIDE: In the past Q has addressed both /CM/ and /BO/ individually.

CodeMonkey and BoardOwner are 2 separate entities/persons.

1,702 posted on 09/20/2018 6:46:49 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
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To: bagster
Billionaire(s) 187. AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US)">FVEY

4 gives 5? Background on how FVEY was built? When was FVEY accepted by IC and how was it built? What POTUS had authority to green-light?

Safety House Build.
Tough one. Ran through a number of references at IMDB. Any could apply. Interesting one has an agent on the run with "person of interest". Reference to Eyebrow Girl; is Justine being protected? By whom?

U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X
Canada mines are source for uranium. Treaty with US/Canada provides military control. Russia has access to 25%, now; that is known. I speculate that IRAN = X.

just floating chaff (graphic ain't workin today?)

1,710 posted on 09/20/2018 6:58:15 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
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To: bagster

Exceptional Oracle bags. ThanQ

1,833 posted on 09/20/2018 11:00:26 AM PDT by MileHi (Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks.)
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To: bagster

“”Safety House build” is a bit of a quandary. One person mentioned Hillary building a safe house, but that doesn’t seem to fit in the context of the question (Trudeau).:

Supposedly our special forces raided a safe house belonging to hrc due to a tip that there was some ungodly amount of money there. Raided, place was deserted, found the money cached right where they said it was going to be. This was Malaysia or Indonesia, something like that.

1,838 posted on 09/20/2018 11:09:26 AM PDT by ichabod1 (He's a arrogant SOB but he's *our* arrogant SOB.)
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To: bagster

Bagster, you’re getting so good at this Q stuff that I’m worried that one day you’ll be secretly abducted by the Q Team and we’ll never hear (officially) from you again. One day an anon will ask Q if you’re behind the curtain, and Q will respond with a smiley emoticon.


1,872 posted on 09/20/2018 11:52:15 AM PDT by AZLiberty ("If we believe in absurdities, we commit atrocities." -- said by Voltaire, lived by elite Libs)
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