To: All
Anon speculation the reason for HRC flurry of tweets is DS comms are down and she’s tweeting the talking points instead lol
To: Steven W.
Anon speculation the reason for HRC flurry of tweets is DS comms are down and shes tweeting the talking points instead lol So now Twitter is their preferred method of communication?
Good thing they're not conservatives!
1,300 posted on
09/04/2018 12:51:18 PM PDT by
(To restore all things in Christ~~Appeasing evil is cowardice~~Francis is temporary. Hell is forever.)
To: Steven W.
1,329 posted on
09/04/2018 2:13:50 PM PDT by
Bigg Red
(The USA news industry, the MSM-13, takes a machete to the truth. {h/t TigersEye}) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson