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To: null and void

Wouldn’t she be dead by now?

1,133 posted on 09/04/2018 7:26:19 AM PDT by Bigg Red (The USA news industry, the MSM-13, takes a machete to the truth. {h/t TigersEye})
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To: All

WOW - somebody caught & records Twitter removing “likes” for Trump tweets in real time:

What the video depicts is that when the user “likes” Trump tweets, the icon turns red - meaning it’s recorded - and then goes off - meaning the “like” has been removed. Then the user shows that when clicking on AP articles and such, the “likes” stick. Outrageous!

1,134 posted on 09/04/2018 7:35:26 AM PDT by Steven W.
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To: Bigg Red; ransomnote; bitt; bagster; Steven W.; LucyT; Liz
ransomnote; bitt; bagster; Steven W.; LucyT; Liz, please ping further.

Asking pings to ping further and encourage all to DIG on following:

(language warning on blog title)

The above link to some background on Alex Podesta is from more than four years ago 2014, yet it contains the image of Q's white rabbit photos from Q Post #2050:

The Q posted photo is sculpture from Alex Podesta. Here are more photos of sick, twisted Alex Podesta sculpture taken from the above link:



Some very interesting background on Alex Podesta:

Why are we doing this? HRC emails mentioning Alice and Wonderland, hence white rabbits, etc.

Q posted a blitz about Alice and Wonderland, including emails of HRC referencing her as 'Alice' and exchanges with the 'Mad Hatter', then photos of White rabbits taken from Alex Podesta art. The family name Podesta alerts to possible connections to Podesta brothers. Recall that Podesta brothers art has kids in bunny suits 'captured' and carried by demonic entities.

As an aside note that Tony Podesta was a youth counselor with confirmed pedophile Dennis Hastert, former GOP Speaker of the House along with a mysterious now disappeared Seattle attorney who represented homosexual/pedophile boy scout troop leaders in 'discrimination' lawsuits against the BSA. Note further that this youth camp where Tony Podesta was a counselor in the 'People to People Student Ambassador Program' based at Camp Nose, pronounced No-Say, in Nose, Osaka.

Further 'dots' (I have no idea if connected) along the line of Japan, pedophilia:
In the 1970s, Frederick Barclay married Hiroko Asada. Frederick had spent the decade of the 1960s in bankruptcy. In the 1970s into the 1980s Japanese money was flooding the UK and a little later the USA. Frederick needed money badly. Did Hiroko come from money?

Who is Frederick Barclay? He along with his twin brother bought The Telegraph in 2004. The Telegraph ran this photo recently (h/t Steve W):

Yes, this is weird material, with some paths to the smeared, maligned Pizzagate controversy so caution is required. But the Alice in Wonderland HRC emails draw us to examine Q's posts and 'crumbs' to make sense of what it all means.

What are some of the pieces we have?
POTUS EO 12/21/2017
Tony and John Podesta Art
Tony and John Podesta pedophilia
T Podesta in Japan with pedophile Hastert
HRC and Podestas
Saudi Royal takedown
HRC and Alice in Wonderland emails
Alex Podesta White Rabbit 'Art'
Alex Podesta from Lousiana BUT attended Virginia Commonwealth University
Telegraph bought by Barclay Brothers one of who married Japanese Money?
Telegraph running pedophile sympathy Ad
... much, much more. Find pieces that are part of the puzzle.

If we see a connection of Alex Podesta to John and Tony Podesta, we have more sick art connected indirectly to 'Alice' = Hillary. In my view, I am not leaning to HRC as some sort of demonic Satanist, I lean toward HRC as a psychopath having an 'id' with mantra "Money! Money! Money! GIVE ME MONEY!". And however the money gets to her is within her bounds, murder, pedophilia, child trafficking/kidnapping, doesn't matter, just "GIVE ME MONEY! or get me close to it".

The above 'seems connected' but DO NOT make connections of the above 'pieces' = dots, do not shoehorn fit dots together. It is tempting to make such connections but don't go there else you can be 'pizzagated'. For now, it's just information nuggets staring you in the face.

Here is an analogy:
This is like a 1000-piece puzzle set. We know that in a 1000-piece puzzle, the last 20 or so puzzle pieces get put together rapidly. Towards the end of the puzzle, pieces get laid in rapidly. But in this case, we only have a few dozen puzzle pieces, and the entire puzzle is a 1000 pieces. So we should NOT attempt to guess at this stage what the puzzle's big picture is other than to think it's something nasty, insane, taboo, etc. But we don't know the picture yet. We have pieces that fit together and other pieces that don't seem to fit anywhere yet but are sensed to belong to the puzzle.

What we are doing is finding puzzle pieces and then trying to see if any of them fit what we have. They may or may not.

1,150 posted on 09/04/2018 8:09:32 AM PDT by Hostage (Article V (Proud Member of the Deranged Q Fringe))
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To: Bigg Red

We said the same thing about McCain six moths ago, didn’t we?

She’s still more or less ambulatory, end stage after that ability is gone is pretty quick.

1,201 posted on 09/04/2018 9:33:43 AM PDT by null and void (McCain is dead but his ego lives on.)
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