So; now you’re equating Q with the Creator?
I always thought there was something fishy about the effusive references and appeals to religious sentiment on these Q threads...seemed kind of sacreligious to me.
Noting that people made in the image of the Creator may adopt/copy the way the Creator sends messages.
Using some book as a guideline isn’t new.
Our Creator does it with His Word.
Somebody named Q talks of Alice..
A few times. And months later,Trump is taking a pic of a large oversized envelope in the 6th month like the 6th chapter in Alice and Wonderland.
You may not find that interesting at all.
But that is very interesting to people who were given a heads up by some anon poster called Q months before that event occurred.
One would need to be informed of what Q says and informed about Alice in Wonderland.
Because I study the scriptures, and know of the hidden manna in His Word, it isnt hard to see His Creation tries the same with secular works, like Alice, that even He is Sovereign over.
This nation is prophetic. So are its leaders and its decisions.
Don’t fret, Q isn’t in charge. Neither is Trump. But they are playing a role. And since Q has not bashed Trump, to my knowledge, and Trump hasn’t bashed Q, it seems that they appear on the same page.
And in June, Trump took a pic that an expert in Q or Alice in Wonderland, would recognize.
You and I are not experts in either,I suspect.
But because I do see our Creator sending messages in plain sight, I have no problem jumping to the conclusion that humans can do it, too.
Even the President of the United States. A message in plain sight without saying a word. A picture that might be worth 1,000 words.
Humans following ‘their own’ plan but ultimately for His purposes and His plan..
Q is BS. I had them chasing the Beverly Hillbilly’s some time back.