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To: Steven W.; Swordmaker

Isn’t it odd that NO ONE in the media, including FoxNews or talk radio, talks about Q; nor about the possible impending national crisis resulting from arrests of officials of the prior administration for attempted coup d’etat, espionage, or for rampant corruption (U1/Iran deal/climate treaty etc.)?

All of this, including Pizzagate matters, have been swept under the rug along with FDR/communist infiltration (McCarthy stuff), JFK theories, and that other thing which shall remain nameless on this thread.

Even the friendlies like Hannity and Dobbs are silent; though Hannity does give a voice to Sara Carter.

Still, the media silence regarding what we FReeQs consider earth-shattering reality is DEAFENING.

And yet ... Q has been predicting for months the fall of FB, TWTR and others (e.g., GOOG). If Q were a stock-market pundit, he would be considered the wizard of Wall Street!

Q also predicted that NK would be well-in-hand, long before it became apparent to anyone else!

I LOVE Swordmaker’s analysis of Alice & Wonderland, where Alice is PDJT and Wonderland is Saudi Arabia. Oh my! This was Q’s signature before the epochal events there.

And yet, the Mockingbird media is silent.

There are no actual reporters in the limelight ... no, not even one.

BTW, I am convinced Rush reads Q, and doubtless many others ... but they will never say it.


1,426 posted on 07/28/2018 3:44:34 PM PDT by Disestablishmentarian (Read "American Betrayal" by Diana West)
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To: Disestablishmentarian

They are afraid of being branded as kooks. They are afraid of losing their jobs and reputations (ala Corsi-the-Rotund-One). They are ALL afraid of being Arkansided. It's like they are all aware of Q, but they're standing around with their thumbs in their mouths, muttering "you say it! No, you say it!". No one wants to be first.

Looking at the tentacles of power the Democrats and Those Who Run The World have woven into our world, they are afraid of being silenced.

Maybe that's why Q talks to us, the averages Joes. A revolution started from the bottom, with a huge army, will eventually break into the mainstream. We just have to keep pushing it.

1,431 posted on 07/28/2018 3:51:22 PM PDT by blu (WWG1WGA)
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To: Disestablishmentarian

There are no actual reporters in the limelight ... no, not even one.

BTW, I am convinced Rush reads Q, and doubtless many others ... but they will never say it.


Have Rush and his colleagues been given marching orders? Who gave the orders? Back hats? White hats?
Rush waxes poetic over the Bushes, FWIW...

How many people follow Q? Is there an estimate?

1,450 posted on 07/28/2018 4:19:01 PM PDT by smileyface (Things looking up in RED PA! I love President Trump!)
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To: Disestablishmentarian
Let's be realistic. No self-respecting journalist is going to print stories about an anonymous guy who has a one letter name who communicates to people via a chat board famous for hosting Japanese comic books.

Many journalists limit themselves to using only on-the-record sources in their stories. Even then, the rule of thumb is to get TWO on the record sources. The usual "anonymous source" cited by reporters is almost always better described as "a source who requested not being named". That means they know who the person is, but they aren't telling you, the reader.

You most famous anonymous source of the last 100 years is probably Deep Throat. He was unknown to us, but Woodward and Bernstein and Ben Bradley all knew who he was. Eventually, when he was an old man and his lawyer let the information out, they did tell us who he was.
Deep Throat: FBI Associate Director Mark Felt

So, even before you get to the owners of the media wanting to spike the story (and that happens too) you have the problem of a single source, who is also an unknown individual or group, posting in coded language, on a website famous for (among other things) pranks.

Imagine taking the story into your editor and trying to sell it.

That doesn't mean Q isn't real or legit, it means that he / they have positioned themselves in such a way that it is very difficult for the media to cover them.

If Q is what everyone says, then we have to assume this was deliberate. Q doesn't want reporters writing stories about him, he want's anons decoding his messages, he wants them to spread to secondary web sites, like Free Republic and Twitter and Gag and You Tube. And still the MSM can't really write about it except as "crazy conspiracy theory" because using their rules it has no basis in fact.

It comes down to the risk of credibility.

As an example Tucker Carlson reported the Mueller is giving Tony Podesta immunity, in the same time frame we knew that Mueller had asked for immunity for 5 witnesses in the Virginia case against him for tax evasion.

When the 5 names were revealed a few days after Tucker's reporting Podesta's name was not among them.

Tucker was subject to a huge amount of pummeling by other media for mis-reporting a story.

Tucker, in this case, may turn out to be right, because he is now claiming that the immunity was sought and granted in the Federal case in DC, not the case in Virginia.

Tucker Carlson's 'Scoop' About Tony Podesta's Immunity Was A Lie

Now, granted "Crooks and Liars" is not the ultimate authority on stuff, but this same line was all over the MSM.

If you are a reporter trying to make a living as a reporter the MSM is not your enemy, it's is your employer and all your future employers. A reporter only has their reputation to get them a job, if they destroy it reporting rumors from an unknown source posting on a cartoon related website -- they are not going to be very employable.

Even guys like Rush don't want to get caught up in something that doesn't pan out and have his accuracy impugned on account of it. There is no upside to reporting on it, and lots of downsides.

That's one reason I think keeping track of what HAS crossed over to the MSM is important.

So does Q. A month or so ago he posted a long post that was all links about "the Q phenomena" from various more-or-less mainstream sources.

Like I've said Q has to cross over the the MSM, or the phenomena that Q writes about have to become factually indisputable events.

The indictment of James A. Wolfe is such an immutable fact. So is the indictment of Clare Bronfman for money-laundering NIXVM cult money. We have to hope that there is more and more of those sorts of indictments coming down. Even they the MSM might not be reporting on Q, but they will sure be reading hm and reporting on the fruits from his tree.

1,467 posted on 07/28/2018 4:40:23 PM PDT by Jack Black
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To: Disestablishmentarian

Oh, when things get public on the winning, those guys will flopping all over the place claiming they where in the house the whole time. There will be thousands talking it up like they were on the front lines.

1,579 posted on 07/28/2018 7:45:58 PM PDT by Axenolith (nature abhors an empty tag-line...)
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To: Disestablishmentarian

The Deep State has control of the on-air fines and ultimately re-licensure of their affiliates. . . plus they are creatures of advertising and their corporate owners.

They may know exactly what Q is saying and even be red pilled, but look to Roseanne to see the ultimate results of the wrath of their corporate owners. Her show was Number ONE in the ratings, yet that did not stop the network from deep fixing it despite the ratings!

They are not rational. They WILL pluck out their eye if it offends them, consequences be damned!

The conservative talent know this and walk a very precipitous tightrope. They can only say just so much without triggering that corporate/advertisor wrath and backlash.

1,971 posted on 07/29/2018 9:45:06 PM PDT by Swordmaker (My pistol self-identifies as an iPad, so you must accept it in gun-free zones, you hoplaphobe bigot!)
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