Make sure to read the "Limited Nature of Proffer" at the end. It explains that "This proffer of evidence is not intended to constitute a complete statement of all facts known by the defendant or the government...."
One must ask oneself. Why did the government (in the form of Jeff Sessions) only charge a low level bank fraud case.
Go ahead. Ask yourself.
I read that earlier and disregarded it and was still looking for attachments.
Pete...why did Jeff Do that!
“Well Pete, Jeff is very good friends with Mr. Lowkey. This little indictment is tinder... Once there is enough brush and deadfall combustables to burn Mr Loki will flame up and we will have a pretty bonfire! (And the horse jumps on the fat lady and she sings!)
(Checking in. Going back out for a while. Water has been falling from the sky...amazing!)