MSNBC reports, you decide.
Wait, maybe that was the other network.
How about
“Conservative panel guests-—who needs ‘em?”
More like it.
If MSNBC invited Kasich or Jeb Bush would they count? Not to us.
This is not a surprise. MSNBC panders to they 3 loyal liberal viewers 24/7/365.
The hack comment that pissed me off the most was from some airhead who declared that a president “who is under investigation for colluding with Russia to tip an election” cannot be making these appointments.
So let me get this straight. You leftist criminals with your FBI lackeys framed the Trump campaign with some hooey about colluding with Russia and now are using that to justify denying the president his Constitutional duties???
The only times I ever watch MSNBC are either to watch YouTube videos of the election, or to laugh at the snippets on Fox News. They have such a fair balance of Trump-hating “republicans”, Trump-hating democrats, and off-the-rails America-hating leftists. Truly pathetic.
[Cecile Richards]
Cecile Richards, daughter of the Democrat Texas governor in charge when the 1993 Waco disaster occurred - Ann Richards.
THATS show biz!
I wonder how many of them denounced XX.
It's easy - put a blue line under the person talking if they're liberal - and a red line if they're conservative. Anyone who says they're 'right in the middle' needs to be shown the door for lying.
My favorite and funniest viewing experience was once watching CNN when they had two discussion tables set up - with five or six people in each group and ONLY ONE CONSERVATIVE ... It was suppose to look like two groups debating - but it was a 9 to 1 mob... So many ways that CNN sucks...
How many liberals did Fox or Newsmax have?
Ironically that exactly matches their viewers of the coverage.
Much more balanced than Fox, right?