To: Steven W.
So Trump wrote the letter dated today, on the 16th? Scratching my head...
1,357 posted on
05/24/2018 9:55:01 AM PDT by
little jeremiah
(Half the truth is often a great lie. B. Franklin)
To: All
Press pool called to oval office. Odd.
1,359 posted on
05/24/2018 9:59:08 AM PDT by
(D m cr ts S ck. Would you like to buy a vowel?)
To: little jeremiah
It is not in “force” until it is both signed AND dated.
1,361 posted on
05/24/2018 10:01:58 AM PDT by
(Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
To: little jeremiah
Sounds like it was qdropped as a proof.
1,362 posted on
05/24/2018 10:02:21 AM PDT by
CJ Wolf
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