Also the link statistics includes deaths, which they said are rare in 1st 20 yrs of marriage. In the CONCLUSION it said Women/Men in first marriage at 20 yrs was 52% for women, and close to same for men, forgot %.
There is a point around 10 yrs, it is what DoodleBob said, on the chart...68-78%. Which is close to the 47 marriages succeeded(68.1%) vs 69 marriages (ALL pr 10000, less 22 divorces, that I found using the CDC stastics, I posted.
THE LONG VIEW at 20 years, even in DoodleBob link, does take us back to the 50-55% range....sadly.
This means that despite 30 years of cultural rot, familial destruction, and statist ridicule of traditional norms, marriage is no worse (to slightly better) than during the Carter Administration. Whoda thunk.