How about a virtual House of Representative without districts where they vote PROXIES from voters all around the country. . . To have a seat in the chamber they have to garner and hold a minimum of 750,000 proxies from constituents who LIKE the stands they take on issues. . . and who SUPPORT them with their contributions. Constituents are free to WITHDRAW their support and FUNDS at anytime the congress critter fails to please them and deposit their proxy with another congress critter at a moment's notice. Now THAT's completely possible with today's technology.
The Congress critter would vote the number of proxies he or she (or it) holds at that particular moment on any issue up for vote. For example, say you've handed your proxy to Congress Critter Tex Pecos who lives in Texas, although you live in California cause you like his stand on Guns. He now has 5,275,423 proxies. He's voting on a bill related to Reciprocal Carry in all states, and he can vote ALL of those proxies YES that issue. On the other hand, Liberal Congress Critter Maxine Liquid has 840,003 proxies, due to her off the wall craziness. She votes her proxies NO on the same issue.
After the vote, Pecos gains 1.2 million new constituents and Liquid loses her 95,024 Gang banger constituents and is in dire danger of losing her seat! All of the rest of her constituents MUST find another representative or SHE must find enough to bring her back above the 750,000 cut off from others in her party to keep her seat!
This is the ultimate in representation democracy AND a Republican Form and NO VOTER is left disenfranchised and unrepresented. . . and the representative MUST KEEP ONE'S CONSTITUENTS PLEASED!
I LOVE IT... Where is that damn suggestion box again??
That’s a great idea. Being a Californian I would finally get some representation.
Have a bias toward a geographic one but yours is an interesting alternative.