To: libertylover
That’s called “kidnapping” and “larceny”. You can’t hold a gun to anyone’s head and take money from them.
4 posted on
02/14/2018 7:37:10 AM PST by
(Don't mistake your dorm political discussions with the desires of the nation)
To: AppyPappy
>>Thats called kidnapping and larceny.<<
Actually, “armed robbery” as well as numerous other crimes including destruction of private property and filing a false police/FBI report.
12 posted on
02/14/2018 7:43:35 AM PST by
(obozo took 8 years to try to destroy us. Trump took 1 to rebuild us. MAGA!!)
To: AppyPappy
Lighten up Francis. Its a joke
28 posted on
02/14/2018 8:33:58 AM PST by
Az Joe
(Gloria in excelsis Deo)
To: AppyPappy
How about taking the wallet, removing the license and returning the wallet?
Why didn’t the girlfriend call the police while he had a gun on him?
Probably just a feel good hoax.
32 posted on
02/14/2018 9:48:13 AM PST by
joshua c
(To disrupt the system, we must disrupt our lives)
To: AppyPappy
He declared himself to be "temporary assistant FBI Director" for a day.
So it's all good...
36 posted on
02/14/2018 1:18:15 PM PST by
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