LOL. OK. I’ll post a wee bit more (we ain’t warming we are cooling) - from Wikipedia:
Solar minimum is the period of least solar activity in the 11 year solar cycle of the sun. During this time, sunspot and solar flare activity diminishes, and often does not occur for days at a time.
Grand solar minima occur when several solar cycles exhibit lesser than average activity for decades or centuries. Solar cycles still occur during these grand solar minimum periods but are at a lower intensity than usual. Grand solar minima have shown some correlation with global and regional climate changes.
While the Year Without a Summer, in 1816, occurred during the Dalton Minimum, the prime reason for that year’s cool temperatures was the highly explosive 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which was one of the two largest eruptions in the past 2000 years. (Some scientists dispute this).
One must also consider that the rise in volcanism may have been triggered by lower levels of solar output as there is a weak but statistically significant link between decreased solar output and an increase in volcanism.[5]
Bottom line is that we are more likely than not to have some growing seasons that are reduced in length and temps might be a bit cooler than usual on average.
Since Volcanic activity and Earthquakes are more active during Grand Solar Minimums, and I live close to the New Madrid Fault area, I take an interest-the big one happened during the Dalton Minimum.
I am relieved to report, that so far, the quakes and slippage of the Pacific Plate seem to be letting off most of the steam in Oklahoma - there’s been a lot of drilling or fracking for oil there - path of least resistance.
An aside....I recently was basically given two Border Collies..been with me less than a week.
Well my Hay Bale garden sits on a concrete slab. And I've just let everything turn into mulch that was from last summer. Some of the bales really, really imploded..and these two BC's pretty much cleaned those up for me... Ha!! Looks like they had fun doing it too!!