Actually it did. It had a tropical climate due to the fact it was far north at one time in a tropical region. Our continents move around over time geologic time. At one time South America and Africa were one continent as was North America and Europe. India was once attached to the East Coast of Africa and sailed North until it hit Asia.
Hey cavemen and cavewomen, welcome to KICE radio, the voice of Ice Age Norway, a big shout out to Ogg, he dragged home an entire mastodon and invented fire all on the same day, now here’s our weather guy with today’s forecast ... sunny and cold with east winds 200 miles an hour, high near -70, hey that’s not so bad, we can stay in for that like we have for ten thousand years. Now turning to evolution news, we have out-adapted the Neaderthals, good bye Neaderthals, it’s been real ...