Hello. I would like to recommend 3 sources of information for non-narcotic relief of neuropathy, if you are interested.
The first is www.earthclinic.com, there are three types of neuropathy listet. Very helpful information.
second is Life Extension Foundation, www.lef.org.
Third is tony pantalleresco, of herbsplusbeadworks, windsor, ontario, canada. website: http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/
Something very inexpensive to try is a variation on an electrolyte replacement drink with a few extra vitamins -
The ingredients are very cheap from the puritanspridevitamins company.
distilled h20, powdered msm, apple cider vinegar, powdred vitamin c, stevia to sweeten, baking soda to neutralize. For some reason, MSM and vitamin C combined are an excellent pain reliever.
Other things can be added that will help a great deal, specifically alpha lipoic acid (nutrients)
Not giving amounts, I am not a medical person, but the first and third options listed here will have amounts if you want to do the research. Best to you.
Huldah 1776 here. Thank you for that info. Since I’ve been staying with an elderly woman my pain has quickly gotten worse over the last 6 months but I think I am allergic to something in the house. Eyes always burning and stuffy nose. I have rheumatoid arthritis and other pains. I am the tin man in the morning (EVERY joint—neck freaks me out the most) and have muscle aches that come and go. I think bottom line is stress but it won’t heal without treatment. HBOT is supposed to be healing. I could also be getting the pain from hypothyroidism which could be from stress damage. And I look forward to dementia too.
This is for myself (didn’t know the official name):
Thank you for that info.