Well at 5’7 and 130 will have to do some figuring. I’m trying to get down and stay around 121-125. I’m always on the go but my job requires sitting for hours on end. According to your chart it’s: 52g so I guess I’m within my parameter.
There is some flexibility in those numbers. Based on my research, I have concluded that the RDA for protein is somewhat low, carbs somewhat too high and fat a little low.
Most people who over consume protein generally cut carbs to a very unhealthy level causing the body to process protein to do the job carbs are intended to do. That is very bad. If you consume a proper balance, a moderate amount of extra protein isn’t going to matter much. I weigh 190 and am reasonably active. My doctor feels that 80 or 90 grams of protein is appropriate for my weight and activity level. The last couple of years he has told me I need to consume more protein based on some aspect of my blood work.
If you make a radical change to your diet as this woman did without proper research (considering the amount of high quality info that we can access) then you pretty much deserve the results.