No. We haven't. We know many dozens of authentically spiritual parents who earnestly tried to transmit authentic spirituality, a true walk with God in their children.
However, they lacked key degrees and qualities of loving the children at key early years.
And, they also tended to fail at obeying the verse about "Provoke not your children to wrath."
We have known many children--housemate included--who earnestly endeavored to follow the Biblical guidelines from an early age--authentically--as unto The Lord. He jumped through all the spiritual hoops to the more or less best of his ability--as have millions of other RAD children.
He desperately tried to change for decades with frightfully meager progress. He'd earnestly almost harass any source of redemptive 'spiritual-giant' help he could from pastors to lay people--relentlessly.
That never overcame the effects of RAD. It sometimes helped prevent him and others from going absolutely bonkers. For others, the spirituality didn't even prevent that.
That has been a very troubling thing to my housemate most of his life. Why, how, could that be the case. But it was clearly the case.
It is as though that deep hole caused by RAD MUST be healed, filled--certainly by God's Spirit--but also--evidently--by people who will walk in deep emotional and spiritual connection with the one needing the healing from RAD.
We have found that Brene Brown's extensive research into such issues is very helpful even toward encouraging a vulnerable and growthful spirituality in conjunction WITH daring to brave the arena of growth and real life overcomingly. As she has documented so thoroughly--CONNECTION--BONDING emotionally, intensely, even spiritually with another person is still a key to growth and health. All the more so for RAD folks.
You can philosophize all you want. You aint gonna help anyone. When they are ready to accept the spiritual solution that is offered to them then they will change.
We are not per se merely philosophizing. We are talking about the nitty gritty aspects of life involved in getting beyond the deeply ingrained challenges of RAD etc. etc. etc.
Consider virtually ALL the GREAT SPIRITUAL MEN of the Bible. How many raised successful NON-RAD, spiritual sons? It's difficult to think of one of them.
We agree that healthy and intense spirituality needs to be a huge part of the solution. WE have NOT observed that even healthy and genuine degrees of authentic connected-with-Jesus spirituality--in and of itself appears to do the trick for the vast majority of folks we have come across.
Certainly Jesus CAN touch someone and set them on dry ground out of the swamp of RAD results--more or less. We just can't think of a single case where He HAS done so APART FROM bringing spiritual people into that person's life WHO THEN CONNECTED TO THEM in an emotionally bonded, supportive and redemptive role.
It is a bit like the story of the little boy who was exhorted to talk to Jesus about a problem. And the little boy said, "Yeah, but I need God with skin on."
We all do.
We were DESIGNED that way BY GOD.
Do not throw RAD in with alcoholism. You obviously are not an alcoholic. You want to philosophize....thats fine but the individual who is alcoholic (no matter who the parents are) has their own path to walk