His interview with Moore was extremely combative and doubt Moore was ready for that. It was more a hit job than an interview which is Sean’s style.
No it wasnt a hit job. Hannity got very specific and Moore started equivocating. He wanted Moore to either say he did or didnt date teens. He wanted him to refute point by point the 17 year olds story.
Listen to Hannitys show the day before. He was over the top supporting Moore. I snapped at the radio, he was so sure it was all fake accusations. While I assumed the timing was very suspect, we just didnt know enough to know that wasnt Moores MO in his 30s. I have a bias as I was abused for years. So I wanted him to win and hold the seat but I was concerned because my abuser was still abusing in his late 60s. I am fairly confident Moore is no longer messing with young girls if he did, so I am ok with him in the Senate. Might be the cleanest one in there yet, sheesh.
But it wasnt a hit job from Hannity at all. He was hoping to clear him. Hes biased too with a 16 year old girl. Plus psychologically he knows his daughter might be swayed by an older man which is common with girls with a)famous dads and b)extremely busy dads.