“...why did they wait and hour to blow the door? >>>
The most frequent answer to that question has repeatedly been because the 10 or 11 minutes of gunfire had already completely *ceased*.
This meant there was time to coordinate a dispersed SWAT team out doors with the two security officers, one who remained on 32nd floor, clear hotel rooms of guests at risk, and proceed up 32 floors with elevators shut down.
It was this security guard who was shot in the leg when the shooter opened the room door and fired. The guard stayed on the floor and remained in contact with SWAT.
(One of those two security officers was on the 32nd floor nearly immediately, because the pair had seen some glass fall from the window, from there vantage point below that window, at the time of the shooting.)
"(One of those two security officers was on the 32nd floor nearly immediately, because the pair had seen some glass fall from the window, from there vantage point below that window, at the time of the shooting.)"
I had not "heard" that before. If true, that would explain alot.
That explanation has zero merit. He was able to shoot for 1 damned hour!! Whether he shot or not is just hindsight. What the hell were they doing? That door should have been off the frame and the FIRST responders ( not the hotel security guard— what is his story?) should have been standing on paddocks neck at minute 13. There is NO excuse for that delay.