No, it would have nothing to do with Congress or in many ways legislative, judicial or executive government at all.
There are other elements mist forget.
We are a complicated country. For example, take just one of 140+ critical items, food. Supermarkets have 3-4 days of food on hand, at most. Warehouses have another 4 days. (By the way, that’s why race riots generally stop after 4-5 days. They run out of food, and they can’t eat the new stolen plasma TV.)
After that, our eating depends an exceptionally complex system of trucks, rail, ocean shipping and much more. They are all tied together by events in DC. Absent the 3 letter agencies, the shipping system would hold up for about 30 days, at most. (remember that the trucks and trains need fuel, payments, etc)
I’m far from a “big government” proponent, but after 45 years in DC, I’ve learned how interdependent things are. That’s just one item, food.
The problem is, as an industrialized country, we depend on others states and oceans away.
In Iraq, if they want meat, they go slaughter a goat. Here, in the US, if a rancher in North Dakota doesn’t raise it from calves bred in Texas or Florida, hauled 1000 through 12 states, and butchered by someone 20 or 100 miles away, or the wheat for bread isn’t grown in Oklahoma, baked into bread in Tennessee, etc, we don’t eat.
Like it or not, that all depends on systems based in DC.
Take one more example, without the Fed, how other than barter does anyone get paid.... especially that rancher in North Dakota....