Normally, hot brass scars make you look badass, but I prefer looking at an unmarred décolletage.
Shooting topless would also be a soultion to the problem.
Just saying. (-:
looks like she’s got a .38?
Even men would be well-advised to button the top button when shooting. Hot brass is no fun for anybody. I had a 1911 that liked to throw brass right at my forehead so the ejector needed a tweak to stop that.
Fake news....cleavage goes well with everything....
Hot brass down the front of the blouse? Yep, seen it.
What’s unfair is that you never see hot brass go down the backside of some guy who’s sitting on firing line with his plumber’s butt hanging out. Not that I’d *want* to see that, but it just seems like those fat@$$es deserve it.
Ha-ha, ha!
I’d be more concerned about the shooter wildly waving around a pistol that’s in battery.
Cleavage and shooting pool are a must see...
Maybe that should be part of gun safety training... throw hot brass, broken glass, burning cigarette butts at new shooters, until they learn safety comes first, not their cleavage!
Been there, done that, had the burn mark. Kept the gun pointed downrange at all times though.
When I shot cowboy action I shot a Winchester 73. A real one from 1882 not an Italian replica. It would eject brass straight up and many pieces would stay in my silver belly Gus groove cowboy hat. The rest in a neat pile by my feet.
I suggest a revolver for her
A few times, I’ve seen hot brass go down women’s tops. The issue is when the gal is trying to deal with hot brass jumping around while holding a hot pistol. Talk about about a few 360 degree sweeps!!
I know her....... that’s Maria Titsworth.
Actually, it is what I thought.
I knew thats what I was going to see, though it may have been hotter, the casing.
I’ve seen women shooting a bow catch their boob with the string on release. Brings tears to their eyes.
Walked onto the range once just in time to see a chick wearing a tube tube bouncing around because her 9mm casing made a beeline for the cleavage.