“and they do not want people to look into it”
They do want people who know what they are doing to look in to it.
They don’t want political windbags spouting conspiracy loon bullshit.
Is that why they called off their own private investigator, and why they’re demanding a halt to reporting on it or investigating it? Because they really DO want it investigated? Hmm.
They dont want political windbags spouting conspiracy loon bullshit.
They are going to have to put up with it until the true story comes out. At this moment, I should think they would want every stone turned over to find the culprit.
What goes on in the mind of a person who advocates the insane “conspiracies don’t exist” theory?
They state they do not know what exactly happened , so why not get the answers?
Easy, because there is more to this then meets the eye, but then again some will just want to ignore it.
Botched robbery my a@@