What does their fecundity have to do with any of this?
People can name their dogs whatever they want and I applaud creative names.
How many Fidos, Spots and Dukes does the world really need?
I would not call them “clueless progressives” based on the names of their dogs or lack of kids, which may not be something they’re even capable of having.
I would call them stupid effing dumbasses who did not even know the breed they owned, and maggot bait, for standing around watching their dog suffer.
Both the painters they named the dogs after were flaming marxists. Frida also had a mustache that Wyatt Earp would have envied.
What’s wrong with Duke? :-\
My comment is colored by my three decades of living in NYC where liberal/progressive/collegiate revolutionaries named their pets after their Communist heros. Trotsky, Vlad (after Lenin), Koba (sly reference to Stalin), and Che were pet names encountered in that time. And cats named Mao. Diego Rivera and Frida Khalo were Mexican Communists despite efforts in the last two decades to whitewash their political bent. Riveras commissioned mural at Rockefeller Center featured Lenin as a central figure. Caused a ruckus then and the mural was repainted. So yeah, those “creative” dog names raise a red flag in the same manner as a clueless a$$ wearing a Che tee shirt. As far as the childless part, those of that political bent made it a choice.
They named them after famously communist artists.
May as well have named them Fidel and Raul or Lenin and Stalin.