Personally I am glad for the Wikileaks Vault 7 release, it exposes the depth the c i a has gone to spy on us. This could affect anyone in ways not yet realized! Think about the implications if the powerful want to eliminate opposition. So yes I am in favor, c i a are rogue!
The CIA and other intel agencies are out of control. They are not be questioned , or held responsible , and they need to be reigned in.
Personally I am glad for the Wikileaks Vault 7 release, it exposes the depth the c i a has gone to spy on us. This could affect anyone in ways not yet realized! Think about the implications if the powerful want to eliminate opposition. So yes I am in favor, c i a are rogue!
Agree. Imagine if the CIA was under the control of muzzies — sort of like obama and John Brennan.
Seems the CIA works with Democrats and the MSM against the bulk of American citizens. That's not nice. Working against the duly elected President of the United States isn't nice either.
Take one look at the world and it's obvious these guys have gone rogue... The ME's a hellhole - worse than 30 years ago and Europe's going down the same path.
And yeah, I have a Samsung Smart TV.
Downsize the CIA and use the saved money to harden our chips and develop programs to stop cyber attacks and protect American citizens.