The question about Trump has always been, was he a dog chasing a car?
Would he be happy when he caught it?
His opposition will intensify. It’s not like business, where you do a deal and move on, where a loser today is a winner tomorrow, where a foe today is your partner tomorrow.
His enemies are small and they are mean. They are relentless. If he wins, they lose everything. If they win, he goes back to a life most can only dream of.
I endorsed him right here the day he announced. I loved every minute of the campaign. I never doubted that he would win, and he did.
Now he has to be President, live in a big white jail in DC, and put up with shit every day with no clear path to conciliation with his enemies.
People who live the life doubt he willl put up with it. I think fussing about the crowd size is a very bad early sign. Hopefully it gets better soon.
Me, too. I even had a few friends on FB say I was being deceived. He would never get anywhere. You know what is funny? They all ended up supporting him.
I think a lot of us intentionally voted for someone who ‘wouldn’t put up with it’ - and I was glad to see the ‘shot across the bow’ on day one.
The media flat out —lied— about the attendance.
The issue is the —lying—.
And it’s about time the media got raked over the coals; which happened ...
The. Very. Next. Day.
Not ignored, like other presidents did.
W wussed out on that, and everyone lost (except the media)
I think he was really complaining about the dishonest media again, as he has on many occasions. And they are dishonest. I think he needs to be more selective and let some of his spokesmen do more of the complaining, but the complaining is totally justified. The MSM is scum and they are his political enemy.
I’ve been using the “dog chasing a car” line myself.
This election parallels the 1948 election in Italy, where
emigrants to the USA went back and voted (losing their
US citizenship IIRC)
Now we may be in for some “years of lead”
[anni di piombi ?]