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To: COBOL2Java
Well, NASA should be able to start covering its costs....
To: All
No one is going to go up there and mine that thing an a quadrillion years so bfd
3 posted on
01/16/2017 4:27:18 PM PST by
al baby
(Hi Mom Its a Joke friends)
To: COBOL2Java
Is that enough to service the Obamadebt?
4 posted on
01/16/2017 4:27:31 PM PST by
Organic Panic
(Rich White Man Evicts Poor Black Family From Public Housing - MSNBCPBSCNNNYTABC)
To: COBOL2Java
Well just throw a tow rope around that puppy and bring it home!
Sell it to finance space exploration.
5 posted on
01/16/2017 4:28:17 PM PST by
(Where is Wilson Blair when you need him?)
To: COBOL2Java
“That’s no asteroid! That’s a space station!”
6 posted on
01/16/2017 4:28:42 PM PST by
(Fidel and Che are together again, and it ain't on a t-shirt.)
To: COBOL2Java
To: COBOL2Java
This makes no economic sense.
Value is what someone is willing to pay for.
Fake news.
8 posted on
01/16/2017 4:30:03 PM PST by
(This time I am Deplorable)
To: COBOL2Java
That’s less than four times the bill that Obunghole ran up.
9 posted on
01/16/2017 4:30:32 PM PST by
(I always try to maximize my carbon footprint.)
To: COBOL2Java
So what if the capture of thie asteroid would disrupt the investment of speculators? The reason that iron and other metals are valuable is becaus what they can do for us not who has the lock on the investments because of their scarcity. I say to hell with them. They made the bets and would lose. We should mine that rock and let eveyone benefit from getting more resources.
10 posted on
01/16/2017 4:30:44 PM PST by
( Schadenfreude, it feels so good!)
To: COBOL2Java
You know that website where you can name stars and such for loved ones? I already claimed title to that rock..............Anyone wish to negotiate a sales price?
To: COBOL2Java
A commenter on the article states:
6 Psyche is one of the ten most-massive asteroids in the asteroid belt. It is over 200 kilometers in diameter and contains a little less than 1% of the mass of the entire asteroid belt. It is thought to be the exposed iron core of a protoplanet. It is the most massive metallic M-type asteroid. Psyche was discovered by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis on 17 March 1852 from Naples and named after the Greek mythological figure Psyche.
Radar observations indicate that Psyche has a fairly pure ironnickel composition, consistent with it having the highest radar albedo of any asteroid in the asteroid belt (0.29±0.11). Psyche seems to have a surface that is 90% metallic (iron), with small amounts of pyroxene.
13 posted on
01/16/2017 4:32:52 PM PST by
(CRUZ: Born in a foreign land to a foreign father.)
To: COBOL2Java
Just drop that baby in my backyard.
14 posted on
01/16/2017 4:33:11 PM PST by
To: COBOL2Java
Gold kills microbes...
Trump could indeed give us all “Golden showers”, and by that i mean make gold so cheap you can make bathroom fixtures plated in it that require less cleaning and are anti-microbal!
15 posted on
01/16/2017 4:33:15 PM PST by
(Only a fool works hard in an environment where hard work is not appreciated...)
To: COBOL2Java
Don’t let John Travolta and Tom Cruise and their whole whacky clown posse of dianeticists find out. The alien’s whole purpose in coming to Earth was to steal our gold. If they were to find out there was a giant lump of it floating right next door for the taking, it would ruin our tourist and gullible hollywierdo industry.
16 posted on
01/16/2017 4:34:24 PM PST by
Sirius Lee
(If Trump loses, America dies)
To: COBOL2Java
In my best TV Announcer voice, next week on Gold Rush.
17 posted on
01/16/2017 4:34:32 PM PST by
Kickass Conservative
( Democracy, two Wolves and one Sheep deciding what's for Dinner.)
To: COBOL2Java
Mine it and build spaceships there.
Better than lifting all that mass out of Earth's gravity well.
As for how much it's worth, that's AFTER it's been mined, refined and transported to the customers.
We have a few little technical details to work out first.
18 posted on
01/16/2017 4:34:38 PM PST by
(I'd rather have Unequal Wealth than Equal Poverty.)
To: COBOL2Java
What is the problem...we have iron to mine that we do not need to send back into space.
Use it there.
19 posted on
01/16/2017 4:36:25 PM PST by
To: COBOL2Java
Buy it for 1 dollar on Amazon plus shipping.
20 posted on
01/16/2017 4:38:07 PM PST by
To: COBOL2Java
All the gold, ain’t in California in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else’s name. It’s in an asteroid, but the US isn’t gonna get it because we shut down our space program.
21 posted on
01/16/2017 4:39:48 PM PST by
(The Constitution is an instrument for the people to restrain the government...Patrick Henry)
To: COBOL2Java
I remember reading a book about a large gold meteorite and it’s affect on the world economy when I was young. Might have been Jules Verne or H.G. Wells, but I don’t recall. Eerily similar.
22 posted on
01/16/2017 4:40:03 PM PST by
(If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong.)
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