You didn’t win the second time.
It was 120% turnout in heavy democrat locations. And you only have to do it in about 60 counties out of 3500.
It works so well in Cuba, North Korea, and Zimbabwe.
I think the reason Hillary was solidly trounced is her sub otr of, and vow to continue with Obamas policies.
His exuberance probably comes from the fact that he has a better network of cheating than Hillary.
But, we’ll never know, will we Barack. All we have is your bloated ego.
Ouch. That will leave a mark on Hillary.
He would not have won a fair election.
The people he talked to around the country might have voted for him again,but the people he DIDN’T talk to might have forestalled a disaster like that.
How many “exit interviews” are going to be inflicted on us?
I kind of wonder if he were allowed to run for a third term and faced Trump, what would have happened.
Obama could probably excite some of the identity blocs that Hillary wasn’t able to energize, and Obama actually likes being on the campaign trail. He would also be more effective at playing the race card than Hillary was at playing the woman card, and he would also play the woman card more effectively, but those excited millenials from 2008 and 2012 are still waiting in their parents’ basements for their fair share of hopeNchange, and their parents are probably getting sick of tolerating the idealistic propoganda they parrot at Thanksgiving.
Obama probably thinks his current relatively high approval ratings would be unchanged through a reelection campaign, they wouldn’t. It would probably be a lot of fun to watch him stammer through justifying his record directly and his apologists concluding that any disagreement is further proof of how racist America is.
At a minimum, there would be even more red faced journalists screaming on the evening news.
He wouldn’t have won the first time if we had an honest media.
If he had a true legacy to leave behind Obama wouldn’t be making statements like this. He is just now realizing the missed opportunity he had — 8 years down the drain.
OTOH, he was ruling in opposition to the majority will in this country, so it’s an expression of frustration that he could get elected peddling his Line-of-BS, yet only a minority would support any of his proposals.
Dumb $hit. Hillary was you in this past election.
You lost big time and the Democrat Party lost BIG TIME.
Don’t let the the White House door hit you in the a$$ on the way to the inauguration of an American for America President.
Odungo opens his mouth and more ____ runs out of it than a yard full of geese. He’s really sold on himself, isn’t he? Only Odungo and the brain damaged libtard zombies think he should stick around. Normal people want him as gone as gone can get, as quickly as possible. I never want to hear his name again, unless it’s an obituary or a wanted poster in a post office. He belongs burning in hell forever.
He isn’t any more prepared for obscurity outside the bubble than he was prepared for the presidency. His indignation will eventually drive him to become UN Secretary General, where he shall introduce a motion that the title be changed to “President”. In his mind, “President of the United Nations” is now the only recourse for man-boy-child.
Dream on Bammy - in fact you might right another book about dreams....
Dreamer.. Delusional? Insane? or Both?
Obama is talking about Socialism. Socialism for America was/is his and Michelle's dream.
Obama was elected by the brain dead, the ill-informed, and those who think Capitalism is unfair. This election was about a Socialist government rather than the Democratic government we have.
To come so close to see their dream dashed by Americans who love the Republic and Freedom from bigger government....this is why the gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, and anti-conservative government NO MATTER who won that slot.
Fortunately we have an outsider who understands how to run a business, says he will govern for the people and by the U.S.Constitution.......Obama's anti-constitution, anti-christian, anti-Jew and pro-Islam finally rang true. He would never have been elected IF the Constitution allowed it. What a delusional and narcissist person he is.