Or fight to remove AA as a court mandated punishment. They’re good with either one. And given that AA’s success rate is no better than any other treatment program it really shouldn’t be the one you get sent to when the courts decide you have a problem. If we’re going to have court mandated treatment it needs to either be one with a high rate of success, or opened to any treatment program.
“Or fight to remove AA as a court mandated punishment.”
That’s been so abused it is virtually useless.
They just sign their own sheets with different names and don’t bother with meetings.
Yeah, as someone who was court-ordered into treatment, and required to go to AA, I definitely know the value of it. But, as you say, there should be choices besides AA.
I don’t believe courts actually order people into AA. A person is found guilty and is offered the choice between voluntary participation in a treatment program or incarceration. Any qualified treatment program would do. AA is free. The others charge. AA probably becomes a default option for that reason, but I presume someone could ante up the bucks for a fee based program if he had some objection to AA.