She rope-a-doped us. Either that, or she was simply ill for awhile with the Flu of laryngitis or something and got over it. I am pre-diabetic, and I get dry mouth very easily and have to constantly drink fluids. I'd probably lose my voice if I were constantly giving stump speeches to
thousands dozens of people as Hillary is doing.
Maybe she was on some sort of medication that made her woozy. Maybe at the 9/11 event she locked her knees at attention for too long which can make you pass out. One thing is certain - in the year since she testified at the Benghazi hearing (where she regaled us with her famous cackling witch-laugh), she looks 10 years older.
One thing is certain - in the year since she testified at the Benghazi hearing (where she regaled us with her famous cackling witch-laugh), she looks 10 years older.
Her payment for souls to the devil.