She’s lying...Did you see her smile of duping delight in the moments before she started “crying”?
Reminds me of Piers Morgan’s producer crying after the show where Alex Jones savaged Morgan about gun control and the 2nd Amendment. She just couldn’t handle anyone thinking like that and broke down. High theater in a low-brow show. It was wonderful to watch.
Sorry that I’m not on top of things - did I hear that Glen Beck did this too?
Looks like childhood theater to me.
Meanwhile, America has been crying for eight long years.
I could only stomach a couple seconds beginning at the 4 minutes mark. Good grief.
I saw that. What a ditz. I was embarrassed for women everywhere that this airhead would let something a man said over a decade ago drive her to tears. No wonder libs are such mental cases. They really shouldn’t be allowed to vote due to the severe mental issues they have.
Some of them are crying because it isn’t impacting Trump the way they had hoped.
That’s okay, Zero, we cried at ‘President Obama’.
I really do find it sick that the left and their acolytes are pushing the sexual assault slander, when Trump clearly was talking about how many women let famous men do whatever they want with them. I dont know what they dont understand about Trump saying, They let you do it, except that they know sexual assault sounds a lot scarier than, Trump talked dirty.
No, assorted snowflakes and propagandists, thats not assault when both parties are willing. Its important our side doesnt let them promote this false narrative without pushback. If you can, fight back when you hear this nonsense.
Margie, Margie, Margie. Poor widdle snowflake. Here’s a green crayon. Now, go to your safe place.
What a big fat faker. All that blinking at the beginning and no tears. Next time, at least squirt onion juice on your face.
Thanks, her credentials explain it all. Uber lib UT but they should yank her drama degree for that pitiful job of crying.