Lacks imagination.
Managing a star is ultimately a matter of being able to introduce material for fusion while removing the products of same. In particular the build up of heavy matter already building up in the core of a star.
This last is absolutely critical because it seems that the formation of iron in a star is its death sentence.
Ordinary matter cannot possibly perform such a function (moving around matter in a star) but it may be possible that plasma constructs can. They would need the ability to maintain their structure and for scifi use I would say the likely route for that is if the constructs introduced stable storms around them, leeching some of the power of the sun’s magnetic system. Then, from that, tendrils of the mechanism would extend downwards.
Each mechanism, in what would amount to controlling the stellar weather, needed would probably be huge (continent sized for any book I was writing ... plus the shielding storms around them) and it would be managed by staff using controlled servo robots, also of plasma, to maintenance and perform all “manual” functions ... their ordinary flesh and blood bodies far from the maelstrom that they are actively managing (Avatar on steroids).
If a civilization can perform such feats they could probably just as easily create new worlds around new stars, maybe even custom made stars.
But if they had built a ring world or Dyson sphere it makes sense to manage their star in this way. With enough stellar gas to harvest or “young” red dwarfs to steal from you could keep such a scheme going for a very long time.
Tax the Internet — Save The Sun!!
It’s global warming/climate change on the sun. Help to prevent it by donating large sums of money to ... me???
I have a charitable foundation dedicated to solving the problem, The Solar Depletion Fund. Donations are accepted.
Among issues we are looking at is insulation for Earth, moving Earth, combining Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter and igniting fusion there then moving Earth, building a Dyson sphere either here or around an existing red dwarf.
Please donate today, the future of your children and the whales is at stake.
(Disclaimer, the Solar Depletion Fund is owned and operated by DBrow’s Secure carbon Credit Company LLC)
Sounds like quite an undertaking. Expensive. Dangerous. Most of the work would probably have to be done at night.
Its just that its going to take about another 5 billion years to run of fuel in its core.
I’ll be dead by then.
California will pass a law requiring the Sun to stop shining at night.
Yes, this has been the plan all along. A global array of solar collectors designed to not only drain the Sun, but to also charge the nickle core of planet Earth, much like a battery.
Then, with the positive terminal being at the Great Pyramid at Giza and the asteroid at Mecca being negative, we would unleash the global power to change the climate, ha ha.
And it would have worked, except for those meddling kids and that dog!
No, I don't. Probably because the plot is beyond ludicrous...
Vote Trump!
I'll be darned - it's a Wankel.
Migrating to other systems and terraforming other planets sounds relatively easy by comparison.
I learned more about the dynamics of the sun from this article than anything I’d managed peruse accidentally, ever.
Thank you!
I tend to agree
The Sun: the final frontier.
Tax the Sun as women and minority’s mostly effected