“I think there is something wrong with her. Douglas trained for years at an elite gym in Virginia. Then after she became famous she denounced the gym as being full of racists.
So either the gym really was filled with racists (who were able to keep it all a secret for years and years), or Douglas horribly smeared a gym that help make her what she is.
I’ve never forgotten that. I think the first time she made these comments was on the Oprah Wimprey show. The girls who thought she was their friend were shocked.
Hopefully, the new gymnasts will love their country.
Her reply to any and all criticism....haters are gonna hate.
In her quest for attention, she has trashed coaches and gyms coast to coast. Had a Lifetime movie made about her and is now wealthy. Her “comeback”, aided by Martha Karoly,was due to all the wealthy sponsors she has....not her talent.